Ústav pro soudobé dějiny Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i., byl hlavním pořadatelem konference „Minulost je bitevním polem současníků“, která se konala ve dnech 24. a 25. ledna 2013 u příležitosti osmdesátých narozenín historika Viléma Prečana, prvního ředitele ústavu a současného předsedy správní rady Československého dokumentačního střediska. Pracovní program konference se odbýval v pražském Černínském paláci, společenský večer v Muzeu hudby mělo v režii Národní muzeum. Autor přibližuje všechny referáty přednesené v pěti konferenčních blocích a závěrem nechává zaznít v delší citaci slova, v nichž se nad některými příspěvky a tématy konference zamyslel Vilém Prečan., Organized chiefly by the Institute of Contemporary History, Prague, a conference, ‘The Past is the Battlefield of the Our Contemporaries’, was held in the Czernin Palais, Prague, on 24 and 25 January 2013, to mark the eightieth birthday of the historian Vilém Prečan, the first director of the Institute and the current Chairman of the Board of the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre. The conference was accompanied by an evening of music and a buffet dinner at the Museum of Music, organized by the National Museum, Prague. The author reports here on all the papers given in the five conference blocks, and concludes with a long quotation of Vilém Prečan’s views on some of the papers and topics presented at the conference., and Jiří Hoppe.
In the history of Czechoslovakia, "normalization" is the name given to the period from the 1969 to the 80´s. It was characterized by initial restoration of which was led by Alexander Dubček (1968-1969) and subsequent preservation of this new status quo. Normalization is sometimes used in a narrower sense to refer only to the period between 1969 and 1971. When Gustav Husák became the leader of the KSČ in place of Alexander Dubček in April 1969 after the military intervention of Warsaw Pact armies, his regime acted quickly to "normalize" the country´s political situation. and JIří Hoppe.
The Institute of Contemporary History of the ASCR together with the National Museum and the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre organized an international conference entitled The Past is the Battleground of our Contemporaries to mark the eightieth birthday of the founder and first director of the Institute of Contemporary History, Professor Vilem Pretan. The conference took place at Czernin Palace on January 24-25, 2013. The proceedings was divided into five blocks reflecting Preoan's life-long professional interests: the Second World War; Slovakia; Czecho-Slovak relations; political exile: opposition and dissent; the building of the discipline of contemporary history in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. and Jiří Hoppe.