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2. Nenápadný dokument o české sociologii: Periodikum AUC Philosophica et Historica – Studia Sociologica, jeho rysy a proměny
- Creator:
- Holubová, Kateřina, Javůrková, Adéla, Mlynář, Jakub, and Topinková, Renáta
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica – Studia Sociologica, content analysis, citation network analysis, Czech sociology, and sociological journals
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The goal of this article is to contribute to the study of the history of Czech sociology by examining the journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica – Studia Sociologica (AUC StS), published by the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. After almost 50 years of its existence, this less-known periodical can be viewed as documentary evidence on the developments and transformations in a part of Czech (or Czechoslovak) sociology. We account for the journal’s main characteristics and discuss its position and role in Czech sociology. In addition to standard procedures of content analysis, we employ the innovative method of citation network analysis. Accordingly, one of the paper’s important goals is to assess the adequacy of the methods applied for addressing research questions of this kind. Citation network analysis helps us identify the co-citation structure of periodicals and the influence of individual authors or works on a disciplinary field. We employed it primarily to determine the most frequently cited authors and mutual citations in AUC StS. The data was obtained through transcription of bibliographic references at ends of articles (for more recent volumes) or in footnotes (for older volumes). The dataset contains 2637 authors and 5082 citations. Citation network analysis proved adequate for the purpose, providing comprehensive and intelligible results. It can be applied for comparison with similar studies of other periodicals or publications. Czechoslovak and Czech sociology as a whole was profoundly influenced and shaped by the political transformations around the year 1968 (Soviet military invasion of Czechoslovakia following a period of political liberalization) and 1989 (end of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia during so-called Velvet Revolution). The inception of AUC StS was a result of a conjuncture in Czech sociology in the 1960s. Our analysis of the periodical confirmed the expected effects of the historic turn in 1989. Considerably more book reviews were published before the Velvet Revolution, whereas the number of full articles increased after 1989. Marx, Engels and Lenin were the most frequently cited international authors before 1989, superseded by Giddens, Beck and Luhmann. “Western” sociology classics (Durkheim, Weber etc.) only began to be frequently cited after the revolution. Among Czech authors, J. Buriánek, M. Petrusek and J. Šubrt were the most frequently cited throughout the history of AUC StS. A total of 86 individuals (45 men and 41 women) contributed to the 21 issues of AUC StS, mostly Czech sociologists. Given its structure of authors, AUC StS (as opposed to the Czech Sociological Review, for instance) has remained a genuinely Czech periodical, even in the most recent years. Mean age of authors grew from one issue to another until the year 2006, which can be explained by a stable circle of a few active contributors. In contrast, mean age decreased considerably over the past decade. E. Urbánek, J. Sedláček and J. Buriánek were the most productive contributors. Papers on sociological theory dominate the journal’s structure of topics. After 1989, attention to empirical research grew at the expense of sociological tradition (i.e. particular schools and streams). The trends in article topics exhibit diminishing focus on social structure and stratification, history of Czech and Slovak sociology or general research methodology, on one hand, and growing interest in specialized areas of sociological inquiry, and in particular social transformation and modernization, social deviance and pathology, or environmental problems. Our comprehensive analysis demonstrates AUC StS as a journal of a relatively stable orientation, in terms of both authors and topics. It reveals some trends that might arguably be ascribed to Czech sociology as a whole, with structure of authors cited clearly shifting from “East” to “West” and an increasing diversity of sources cited. The growing interest in modernization and transformation of Czech society and in empirical research in special areas of social reality can be viewed as another trend that has affected all of Czech sociology over the past quarter century.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
3. Spravedlivý přístup při testování: neuropsychologická diagnostika neslyšících a nedoslýchavých osob. Překlad a úpravy testu AVLT
- Creator:
- Chudožilov Bendová, Marie, Holubová, Kateřina, and Zaytseva, Yuliya
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- neuropsychologická diagnostika, modifikované testy, neslyšící a nedoslýchaví, AVLT, neuropsychological assessment, modified tests, and deaf and hard-of-hearing people
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Cíle. V českém prostředí se nachází poměrně velká skupina osob se sluchovou ztrátou (v řádech desítek tisíců), pro jejíž diagnostiku jsou stávající neuropsychologické metody obtížně využitelné. Článek popisuje převod klasického neuropsychologického verbálního paměťového testu (AVLT) z běžné formy v mluveném českém jazyce – ČJ – do vizuální podoby (psaného českého jazyka – PČJ) a do vizuomotorické podoby (českého znakového jazyka – ČZJ). Soubor a metody. 60 neslyšících a nedoslýchavých respondentů bylo otestováno preferovanou formou AVLT (v psané či ČZJ verzi), jako kontrolní test byla použita metoda BVRT. Hypotézy. Autoři ověřovali funkčnost obou verzí, předpokládali, že výsledky respondentů budou odpovídat již existujícím výsledkům na základě kvalitativního porovnání s normativním souborem a známými trendy. Byla předpokládána korelace výsledků AVLT s BVRT. Statistické analýzy. Kvůli zešikmenosti dat byla použita neparametrická statistika. Upravené verze se neliší od původní verze a mezi sebou navzájem (p > 0,05), byl potvrzen vliv některých demografických proměnných, které odpovídají původním výsledkům (p < 0,05). Jednotlivé skóry AVLT se mezi skupinami signifikantně neliší (p > 0,05). Korelace AVLT-BVRT byla nevýznamná (Spearmanovo ró, p > 0,05). Výsledky. Pomocí testování byly získány výsledky neslyšících a nedoslýchavých osob v podstatě odpovídající normativním souborům. Tyto výsledky potvrdily funkčnost adaptovaných metod, mohou sloužit jako vodítka pro neuropsychologické testování. Adaptované testy lze využívat jednak jako behaviorální korelát k využití neurovědných metod (zejména fMRI), jednak jako metodu pro verbální paměťové vyšetření neslyšících a nedoslýchavých osob (důležité např. v kontextu diagnostiky kognitivních deficitů či poruch učení). Možnosti a omezení stávajícího výběru neuropsychologických metod pro neslyšící a nedoslýchavé jsou diskutovány. Limity. Limitem výzkumu tvoří z charakteru skupiny vyplývající nižší zobecnitelnost výsledků, nenáhodný výběr respondentů a samotná procedura testování; do budoucna se doporučuje pro konvergentní validitu zvolit jiný test, než BVRT. and Objectives. In the context of Czech cultural environment, there is a relatively large group of people (in the order of tens of thousands at minimum) with hearing impairment who cannot be examined by usual neuropsychological methods. This article describes the adaptation of a classical neuropsychological verbal memory test (Auditory Verbal Learning Test) to visual form (written Czech language – WCL) and translation to visuomotor form (Czech Sign Language – CSL). Sample and settings. 60 deaf and hard-of-hearing (HOH) respondents were tested by a version of AVLT (WCL/CSL) according to their preferred mode of communication, BVRT was used as a control test. Hypotheses. The authors hypothesized that both AVLT versions are functional, and that the results of the respondents correspond with the previously published norms. A correlation of AVLT and BVRT results among the groups was assumed. Statistical analysis. Due to the skewness of the data, nonparametric statistics were used. The adjusted versions do not differ significantly from the original version and from one another (p > 0.05), the influence of certain demographic variables was confirmed (p < 0.05). Individual AVLT scores did not differ significantly between groups (p > 0.05). AVLT-BVRT correlation proved non-significant (Spearman’s rho, p > 0.05). Results. The obtained results proved the functionality of adaptations. The results of deaf and hard of hearing people that were obtained essentially correspond to the normative data. Adapted tests can be used both as a behavioral correlate for the use of neuroscience methods or as a method for verbal memory examination of deaf and hard of hearing people (for example in the context of diagnosing cognitive deficits or learning difficulties). The possibilities and limitations of the selection of neuropsychological methods for deaf and HOH respondents are discussed. Limitations. The research was limited by non-random selection and a smaller number and heterogeneity of participants and by the procedure of testing; in the future, authors recommend choosing a test other than BVRT to determine convergent validity.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public