In the Czech Republic numerous existing structures are made of different types of masonry. Decisions concerning upgrades of these structures should be preferably based on the reliability assessment, taking into account actual material properties. Due to inherent variability of masonry information on its mechanical properties has to be obtained from tests. Estimation of masonry strength from measurements may be one of key issues in the assessment of existing structures. The standard technique provided in the Eurocode EN 1996-1-1 is used to develop the probabilistc model of masonry strength taking into account uncertainties in basic variables. In a numerical example characteristic and design values of the masonry strength derived using principles of the Eurocode are compared with corresponding fractiles of a proposed probabilistic model. It appears that the characteristic value based on the probabilistic model is lower than that obtained by the standard technique. To the contrary, the partial factor for masonry recommended in EN 1966-1-1 seems to be rather conservative. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
A number of factories, warehouses, power plants and other industrial buildings have been recognized as industrial culture heritage. At present considerable effort of architects and civil engineers is aimed at re-use of these structures in order to preserve their cultural and heritage value and to avoid wasting energy. However, heritage structures usually do not fulfil requirements of present codes of practice. Simplified conservative procedures of design of new structures given in present codes may lead to expensive repairs and losses of the cultural and heritage value when applied to existing structures. In accordance with EN 1990 and ISO 13822 a probabilistic procedure is proposed to improve the reliability assessment of industrial heritage buildings. The procedure is applied in the reliability assessment of a steel member. and Obsahuje seznam literatury