The sequence diversity in the mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase I (COI) gene was evaluated as a tool for resolving differences among species of European adelgids collected from several localities across the Czech Republic. Members of 7 genera and 16 species were examined, and as outgroups, two species of Phylloxeridae were used. Sequence divergences within species were on average less than 0.15%, whereas divergences between species ranged from 0.0 to 4.12% for congeneric and to 13.24% for intergeneric comparisons. It is concluded that DNA barcoding of Adelgidae is a powerful tool for identifying genera, but at the species level it works only in those cases where there are no species complexes. Nevertheless, it can be used as a complement to traditional, morphological taxonomy.
Diapausing larvae of Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) had relatively low supercooling points (SCP) ranging from -19.0 to -26.4°C. None of the specimens that froze at this temperature survived. A high survival rate (up to 87%) at -10°C for 10 days was observed in supercooled larvae. Such features are characteristic for insects that use a chill-tolerance strategy of cold hardiness. However, the cocoons formed by the diapausing larvae were penetrable by external ice crystals and the larvae showed a relatively high survival rate (23 - 34%) at -10°C for 10 days also in the frozen state caused by inoculation by external ice at high subzero temperatures. Such a duality with respect to cold hardiness strategies seems to be ecologically relevant to overwintering in soil habitats where there may be unpredictable contact with external ice.
Larvae of Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) secrete an oviposition-deterring pheromone (ODP). In choice tests, females of A. aphidimyza laid significantly fewer eggs on Vicia faba L. plants infested with Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) that were previously exposed to conspecific third-instar larvae or a water extract of their ODP.
A. aphidimyza females also laid fewer eggs on aphid-infested plants that were previously exposed to unfed first-instar larvae of Chrysopa oculata Say, Chrysopa perla (L.) or Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), or second-instar larvae of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). However, the response to traces of C. carnea larvae was very weak.
Determination of embryonic stages is an important prerequisite for the long-term cryopreservation of eggs and embryos of the predatory gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza. This paper describes the embryonic development of this insect based on light microscopy. Gall midge embryogenesis lasts, on average, 102 h at 17°C and 144 h at 15°C. Living embryos can be quickly separated into ten stages that are clearly defined by specific morphological markers. The necessity for selecting definite embryonic stages for cryobiological storage is discussed.
Mšice Cinara curvipes z čeledi medovnicovití (Lachnidae) pochází ze Severní Ameriky. Do Evropy byla zavlečena v roce 1999, v roce 2006 byla zaznamenána i v České republice. Upozornila na sebe neobvykle rychlou expanzí a masivní gradací populační hustoty hlavně na exotických druzích jedlí. and The conifer apid Cinaria curvipes from the family Lachnidae is native to North America. It was introduced to Europe in 1999 and was reported from the Czech Republic in 2006. This insect species has drawn attention to itself with its extraordinary expansion and a massive plague particularly of exotic fir species.
Článek přináší poznatky o vlivu fytofágního hmyzu na chráněný endemický druh oměje v České republice a dokládá složité vzájemné vztahy druhů v chráněných ekosystémech. and The impact of phytophagous insects on the protected endemic helmet flower Aconitum firmum subsp. moravicum has been addressed and its protected ecosystem complexity has been documented.
Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Monell), a North American aphid species associated with Quercus rubra was detected for the first time in Europe in 1988 (France), and subsequently in several other countries - Switzerland, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Belgium and Germany. Recent research in 2003-2005 recorded this aphid occurring throughout the Czech Republic. The only host plant was Quercus rubra. The highest aphid populations occurred in old parks and road line groves in urban areas, whereas the populations in forests were low. The seasonal occurrence of the light spring form and the darker summer form of M. (Lineomyzocallis) walshii as well as their different population peaks were noted. Four native parasitoids species [Praon flavinode (Haliday), Trioxys curvicaudus Mackauer, T. pallidus Haliday and T. tenuicaudus (Starý)] were reared from M. (Lineomyzocallis) walshii.
Převážná číst knihy je proto tvořena básněmi, když úvodní je ta z nich nejznámější Moravě, jíž zhudebnil Josef Nešvera (1842-1914). Závěrečná část knihy je tvořena osobně sepsaným Havelkovým životopisem, který dovedl do roku 1882., Na titulním listu "CAES. REG. BIBLIOTHECA OLOMUC." (razítko) a "Studijní knihovna v Olomouci - Studienbibliothek Olmütz" (razítko). Na zadním přídeští vpravo dole rukou „Všetička 1888 Hi 94=20.“., Frontispis s podobiznou Jana Havelky, titulní list, předmluvu sepsal Vítězslav Houdek (1856-1916), Havelkův žák, právník, politik, spisovatel, rodák z Náměště na Hané. Ozdobné vlysy arabské číslování.Od s. 119 autobiografie "Z mého života".Na závěr Havelkova bibliografie a obsah knihy., and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)