K málo prozkoumaným výrobním odvětvím v protohistorii Moravy patří činnosti spojené s hutněním železa. V Olomouci-Neředíně bylo spolu s časně laténskou keramikou nalezeno více než 80 kg strusek, úlomky rud a velké množství tepelně postižené hlíny. Ani v jednom případě se ale nepodařilo spojit jejich výskyt s výrobním zařízením. Hutněna byla především ruda typu Lahn-Dill, která musela být transportována ze vzdálenosti 20–25 km. Radiokarbonová data ze zuhelnatělého dřeva pocházejícího ze strusek odkazují do počátku doby halštatské, lze však předpokládat, že výroba probíhala v pozdní době halštatské či spíše v časné době laténské a v radiokarbonových datech se odrazil „old-wood effect“. Vzhledem k rozsáhlému odlesňování krajiny v okolí Olomouce v mladším pravěku je zvažováno zásobování produkčního místa dřevěným uhlím z širšího okruhu 15–20 km. Nálezy strusek z Olomouce-Neředína představují nejstarší doložené stopy hutnění na Moravě. and Among the little-investigated specialised production in Moravian Iron Age are activities related to iron metallurgy. Together with La Tène pottery, more than 80 kg of slag, fragments of ore and a large amount of heat-affected clay was found at Olomouc-Neředín, however, it was not possible to link their occurrence with production installations. Lahn-Dill-type ore was mainly processed, which had to be transported from a distance of 20–25 km. Radiocarbon dating of carbonised wood that came from slag points to the beginning of the Hallstatt period; it can however be assumed that production took place in the Late Hallstatt period or, rather, Early La Tène, and that the ‘old-wood’effect was reflected in the radiocarbon dating. Due to extensive deforestation of the landscape around Olomouc in later prehistoric times, the function of a supply area for wood coal from the vicinity of 15–20 km is under consideration. Finds of slag from Olomouc-Neředín are the earliest documented traces of bloomery smelting in Moravia.
The ‘Celts Beneath the Pálava Hills’ exhibition was installed at the end of the summer of 2020 at the Regional Museum in Mikulov. The museum prepared the exhibition in cooperation with the Moravian Museum and the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno. Along with other unique exhibits, an assemblage of 70 metal artefacts stored in Dolní Dunajovice in the study collection of the Research Centre for the Roman and Great Migration periods of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, was chosen to be displayed for this event. The article presents 47 small artefacts made of copper alloys, 18 coins and five glass artefacts from 17 cadastral units, which enriched the exhibition with a variety of characteristic LT C and D1 finds. They do not form a complete collection, as their common denominator is that they were found in 2011–2017 solely by metal detectorists working together with the archaeologists from the workplace where the finds are stored. These never-before-published artefacts and the qualities of each deserve to be presented both to the public and the professional community. These artefacts include finds which, in the context of the Late Iron Age of south Moravia, are unique objects (including two bronze figurines) that are significant contributions to the clarification and differentiation of the topography of the La Tène settlement structure in the studied region.