This review article maps a specific area of divorce research, which is important, but almost uncited in Czech sociology of the family: the connection between divorce and gender. It shows that although the concept of gender is implicitly embedded in the social phenomenon of divorce, the majority of empirical research on divorce conceptualises gender only as differences in the behaviour of men and women. This approach can be useful for explaining the gender structure of the causes and consequences of divorce. Here more attention is given to studies that explicitly mention the concept of gender at the structural, institutional, and interactional levels. It reviews the literature on gender as part of the institutional environment, and in this context it introduces the perspectives on changing gender roles as a factor influencing divorce and the literature mapping the potential of divorce to change the gender order of society. These theoretical perspectives are relatively rare in the divorce literature; therefore, it is useful to provide Czech readers with a review of some inspiring conceptualisations and put them in the context of knowledge about divorce in the Czech Republic.
The paper provides an overview of recent hydrology-related research conducted by the Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation and its predecessors. Research catchments and similar research sites, mostly under agricultural land use, are described. The principal catchments, located in Central and East Bohemian peneplains and highlands (Cerhovický potok near Hořovice, anonymous stream above Černičí near Čechtice, Kopaninský tok near Pelhřimov, and Žejbro near Skuteč with its subcatchments) are described in a greater detail with reference to web presentations ( index.html). The second part overviews the main research results obtained, prevailingly during the last decade, in the field of catchment hydrology, water quality generation, agronomic measures for protection against nitrate pollution, the effect of tile drainage on extreme flows and water quality, soil water in the vadose zone with preferential flow and the landscape-ecological aspects of water resources protection. It is concluded that some problems could not be solved if the questions were not posed in a hydrological manner. The authors recommend to generalise empirical research results by modelling and to intensify connections between RISWC research and hydrological activities of other institutions. and Práce podává přehled novější historie výzkumu s hydrologickými prvky ve Výzkumném ústavu meliorací a ochrany půdy a v ústavech, které byly jeho předchůdci. Stručně popisuje jednotlivá malá výzkumná povodí a další výzkumné lokality, většinou se zemědělským využitím půdy. Hlavní výzkumná povodí, umístěná v oblasti středočeských a východočeských parovin a pahorkatin (Cerhovický potok u Hořovic, bezejmenný potok nad Černičím u Čechtic, Kopaninský tok u Pelhřimova a Žejbro u Skutče se svými podpovodími), jsou popsána podrobněji s odkazem na prezentace na webu ( Ve druhé části článku je podán přehled hlavních výsledků výzkumu dosažených převážně v posledním desetiletí v oblasti hydrologického režimu povodí a mechanismů tvorby jakosti vody, agronomických opatření na ochranu před dusičnanovým znečištěním, vlivu drenážních systémů na extrémní průtoky a jakost vod, vody v nenasycené zóně půdy s preferenčním prouděním a krajinně ekologických aspektů ochrany vodních zdrojů. Závěrem se konstatuje, že řadu problémů by nebylo možno vyřešit, kdyby otázky nebyly kladeny hydrologickým způsobem. Autoři doporučují zobecnit empirické výzkumy modelováním a zintenzivnit návaznost výzkumu VÚMOP na hydrologické aktivity jiných institucí.
istorically speaking divorce is a relatively recent phenomenon. Divorce has become more important over the last century and has undoubtedly had an impact on the social reproduction strategies typically linked to marriage. In this paper use is made of the concept of Assortative Mating to explore if initial and subsequent marriage partner choices differ on the basis of heterogamy. This research question is formulated in terms of two contrasting hypotheses: (1) the learning and (2) the marriage market hypotheses (Gelissen 2004). These two perspectives form the basis of the theoretical framework used in the empirical analyses reported. Here logistic and linear regression and log-linear modelling techniques are used. The data used to test the learning and marriage market hypotheses contains information on all officially recorded marriages in the Czech Republic over a ten year period (1994-2004) gathered by the Czech Statistical Office. The results presented reveal that divorce changes the socially reproductive aspects of marriage choice strategies, and these changes vary systematically on the basis of gender. Whereas first and subsequent marriage choices are very similar for men, repeated marriage choices for women are on the whole more diverse. A number of explanations explaining this gender based difference are presented. These explanations centre on dissimilarities in the context of repeated choices for men and women., Petr Fučík., 5 grafů, 2 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Historically speaking divorce is a relatively recent phenomenon. Divorce has become more important over the last century and has undoubtedly had an impact on the social reproduction strategies typically linked to marriage. In this paper use is made of the concept of Assortative Mating to explore if initial and subsequent marriage partner choices differ on the basis of heterogamy. This research question is formulated in terms of two contrasting hypotheses: (1) the learning and (2) the marriage market hypotheses (Gelissen 2004). These two perspectives form the basis of the theoretical framework used in the empirical analyses reported. Here logistic and linear regression and log-linear modelling techniques are used. The data used to test the learning and marriage market hypotheses contains information on all officially recorded marriages in the Czech Republic over a ten year period (1994-2004) gathered by the Czech Statistical Office. The results presented reveal that divorce changes the socially reproductive aspects of marriage choice strategies, and these changes vary systematically on the basis of gender. Whereas first and subsequent marriage choices are very similar for men, repeated marriage choices for women are on the whole more diverse. A number of explanations explaining this gender based difference are presented. These explanations centre on dissimilarities in the context of repeated choices for men and women.
The article examines the long-term changes and the age homogamy of marriages that took place in the Czech Republic between 1920 and 2000. The analysis of data acquired from a study of vital registration is divided into a descriptive part - describing the age structure of the marriage market and the absolute degree of age homogamy - and an exploratory part - creating a log-linear model of the structure and changes of relative age homogamy. Three hypotheses are formulated in connection with the latter part of the analysis, of which the hypothesis about increasing age homogamy seems acceptable. Results from the descriptive analysis and the models show that age homogamy has been increasing during the 20th century, both in the case of first marriages and remarriages. The hypothesis about the greater degree of age heterogamy in the case of remarriages can also be accepted, while the testing of the third hypothesis, that the older the marital partners are the more heterogamous their age structure, proved inconclusive and requires further investigation.
Socialisation in a single-parent family has been associated with negative consequences both in previous research and popular discourse. This article investigates whether this association may be different in a society with a high rate of divorce and extramarital fertility. Using data from the Czech contribution to the EU-SILC survey, it tests hypotheses concerning the difference between the current situation of adults who grew up in single-parent families and those who were raised in intact families. We look for the influence of socialisation on single-parent families in three areas—educational attainment, current partnership situation, and current family income. The results of regression analyses show that the differences between children from single-parent families and those from intact ones are very small in the area of education (the influence is apparent only at the secondary school graduation level, no difference is present at the tertiary education level), relatively weak in the area of partnership situation, and imperceptible from the viewpoint of family income. These results exclude a causal explanation for the influence of single-parent families on outcomes, cast doubt on selective principles, and open space for interpretation in terms of mechanisms of family de-institutionalisation.