Immunity plays an important role in the reactivity of the organism and, in this context, is an essential factor in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Basically, there is no system or organ in the body, whose dysfunction is not related to immunity consequences. In addition, there are also multisystem diseases simultaneously involving multiple body systems. They are not always caused by weak immunity, but also often by modified immune reactions known as overshooting. The essence of all these diseases is a change in the reactivity of the organism where immunity plays an important role. The immunity as such is then part of the systems of neuroendocrine-immune regulation, which have common mediators and receptors. The establishment of psychoneuroimmunology, a relatively new discipline in neuroscience, contributed to a detailed understanding of these mechanisms between central and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system. This research enabled the uncovering of the nature of stress-diseases and impact of other regulatory disturbances on the function of various body organs and systems of the organism as a whole. The aim of this short review is to show complex interconnections of these relationships to better understand the human health and disease., F. Vožeh., and Seznam literatury
The name of Jan Evangelista Purkyně and the cerebellum belong inseparably together. He was the first who saw and described the largest nerve cells in the brain, de facto in the cerebellum. The most distinguished researchers of the nervous system then showed him the highest recognition by naming these neurons as Purkinje cells. Through experiments by J. E. Purkyně and his followers properly functionally was attributed to the cerebellum share in precision of motor skills. Despite ongoing and fruitful research, after a relatively long time, especially in the last two decades, scientists had to constantly replenish and re-evaluate the traditional conception of the cerebellum and formulate a new one. It started in the early 1990s, when it was found that cerebellar cortex contains more neurons than the cerebral cortex. Shortly thereafter it was gradually revealed that such enormous numbers of neural cells are not without an impact on brain functions and that the cerebellum, except its traditional role in the motor skills, also participates in higher nervous activity. These new findings were obtained thanks to the introduction of modern methods of examination into the clinical praxis, and experimental procedures using animal models of cerebellar disorders described below., F. Vožeh., and Obsahuje bibliografii