Rekonstrukce prostředí v průběhu kvartérní historie může být významně zpřesněna pomocí studia reliktních ekosystémů, ve kterých se vyskytují společenstva druhů známá z fosilního záznamu příslušného období. Příroda jihosibiřských pohoří, zejména Altaje a Západního Sajanu, obsahuje pravděpodobně nejvěrnější současné analogie společenstev vrcholného glaciálu střední Evropy. Věrnost této analogie byla podpořena našim výzkumem suchozemských plžů, vegetace a srovnáním recentního pylového spadu s fosilními nálezy ze střední Evropy. and Reconstructions of Quaternary palaeoenvironments can be significantly improved by studies of the ecosystems in relict landscapes which preserve biotic communities similar to those found in the fossil record. Modern ecosystems of southern Siberian mountain ranges, namely the Altai and Western Sayan, are possibly the closest analogies of the full-glacial ecosystems of Central Europe. This analogy has been supported by our studies of snail fauna, vegetation, and comparisons of modern and fossil pollen deposition.
V prvním dílu jsme pojednali o výhodách studia recentních analogií a o prostředí jihosibiřských pohoří, která představují pravděpodobně nejvěrnější obdobu naší přírody ve vrcholném glaciálu. Pomocí výzkumu suchozemských plžů a vegetace jsme rovněž zjistili, že Jižní Ural představuje dosti přesnou analogii přírody, kterou rekonstruujeme na základě fosilních nálezů pro období starého až středního holocénu střední Evropy. Zjistili jsme, že šíření širolistých dřevin (javoru, lípy a jilmu) do světlých jehličnatých lesů starého holocénu mohlo způsobit výrazné ochuzení bylinného patra lesů kvůli silnějšímu zástinu. Naopak pro suchozemské plže to byla pozitivní změna, protože tyto stromy mají velmi příznivý listový opad a svým zástinem zvětšují vlhkost svrchních vrstev půdy. and Our research into modern land snail fauna and vegetation in the Southern Ural Mountains suggested that these ecosystems are very good analogues of those reconstructed from the Early to Mid-Holocene in Central Europe. The spread of broad-leaved trees, namely maple, lime and elm, probably significantly reduced the diversity of the forest herb layer due to higher tree cover. In contrast, this change caused an increase in land snail diversity due to the favourable leaf litter of these trees and wetter conditions in the forest ground layer.
A series of maps showing the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by alien plants was developed based on a quantitative assessment of the level of invasion of 35 terrestrial habitat types at different altitudes. The levels of invasion were quantified for 18,798 vegetation plots, using two measures: proportion of the species that are aliens and total cover of alien species. Separate assessments were made for archaeophytes and neophytes. Within each habitat, the level of invasion was related to altitude using generalized linear models. The level of invasion, depending on the measure used, decreased with altitude in 16 out of 20 habitats for archaeophytes and 18 out of 23 for neophytes. In two habitats, one measure of the level of invasion increased with altitude for archaeophytes. The values of the level of invasion predicted by generalized linear models for particular combinations of habitats and altitudes were projected onto a land-cover map and digital elevation map of the country. Four maps showing the level of invasion were produced, based on the proportion of the species that are archaeophytes or neophytes, and cover of archaeophytes and neophytes. The maps show that both archaeophytes and neophytes are most common in lowland agricultural and urban areas, whereas they are sparsely represented in mountainous areas. At middle altitudes, agricultural areas are more invaded than forested areas. Outside agricultural and urban areas, high levels of invasion are found especially in lowland sandy areas and river corridors.
The Central European flora is an important source pool of plant species introduced to many regions throughout theworld. In this study,we identified a total of 759 plant species of the Central European flora that are currently recognized as alien species in Australia. We explored temporal patterns of introduction of these species to Australia in relation to method of introduction, growth form, naturalization status and taxonomy. Across all species, substantially larger numbers of species were introduced between 1840 and 1880 as well as between 1980 and the present, with a small peak of introductions within the 1930s. These patterns reflect early immigration patterns to Australia, recent improvements in fast and efficient transportation around the globe, and emigration away from difficult conditions brought about by the lead up to the Second World War respectively. We found that the majority of species had deliberate (69%) rather than accidental (31%) introductions and most species have not naturalized (66% casual species, 34% naturalized species). A total of 86 plant families comprising 31 tree species, 91 shrub species, 533 herbaceous species and 61 grass species present in Central Europe have been introduced to Australia. Differential patterns of temporal introduction of species were found as a function of both plant family and growth form and these patterns appear linked to variation in human migration numbers to Australia.
Based on a combination of data from the Czech National Phytosociological Database and expert knowledge, a database of vascular plant species pools for 88 habitats, representative of the diversity of Czech vegetation, was compiled. This database contains 1820 native species, 249 archaeophytes and 278 neophytes, each assigned to one or more habitats. Besides the data on species occurrence in different habitats, the database contains information on a species’ ecological optimum in the habitat or its dominance. The largest pools of native species were found in rather rare habitats of dry and warm herbaceous or woody habitats at low altitudes, some of which contain > 530 species (maximum of 695 species for thermophilous forest fringes). These were followed by common habitats on mesic soils. The smallest pools of native species were in saline, aquatic and bog habitats ( 350 native species always contained > 5 archaeophytes and > 5 neophytes, and often many more. Two hundred and thirty two native species, 18 archaeophytes and 30 neophytes were identified as potential dominants in at least one habitat. However, potentially dominant species made up less than 3% of the species pool for 78 out of 88 habitats. Larger percentages (up to 14.6%) of potential dominants were included in habitats with small species pools and species-poor stands (e.g., aquatic, saline and mire habitats). The number of habitats in which a species occurred was used as a measure of its ecological range. Most ecological generalists were found among the native species, less among the archaeophytes and least among the neophytes. Out of the 36 species that occur as dominants in three or more habitats, 34 were native (many are grasses), onewas an archaeophyte (Cirsium arvense) and one was a neophyte (Impatiens parviflora).
Central European lowland wet meadows are habitats of great conservation interest, however, their phytosociological status has been to a large extent dependent on specific phytosociological traditions in different countries. In order to bridge the gaps between different national schemes of vegetation classification, a statistical analysis of variation in species composition of these meadows in the Czech Republic, E Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and NE Croatia was performed, using a data set of 387 geographically stratified vegetation relevés sampled at altitudes < 350 m. Principal coordinates analysiswas used to identify and partial out the noise component in the variation in this data set. The relevés were classified by cluster analysis. A new method for identifying the optimal number of clusters was developed, based on species fidelity to particular clusters. This method suggested the optimum level of classification with three clusters and secondary optimum levels with five and nine clusters. Classification based on three clusters separated the traditional phytosociological alliances of Calthion palustris and Molinion caeruleae, both with a suboceanic phytogeographical affinity, and a group of flooded meadows of large river alluvia, with a continental affinity. The latter group included the traditional alliances of Agrostion albae, Alopecurion pratensis, Cnidion venosi, Deschampsion cespitosae and Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris; however, the internal heterogeneity of this group did not reflect putative boundaries between these alliances as proposed in the phytosociological literature. Therefore we suggest to unite these alliances in a single alliance Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (the oldest valid name). Classification with nine clusters was interpreted at the level of broad phytosociological associations. Particular clusters were characterized by statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and related to macroclimatic variables.
During the last decade many electronic databases of vegetation plots, mainly phytosociological relevés, were established in different European countries. These databases contain information which is extremely valuable for both testing various macroecological hypotheses and for nature conservation surveying or monitoring. The aim of this paper is to provide estimates of the number of vegetation plots there are in Europe, how many are stored in an electronic format and to assess their distribution across European countries and regions.We sent a questionnaire to the managers of national or regional databases of vegetation plots and other prominent vegetation ecologists. Meta-data obtained in this way indicate that there are > 4,300,000 vegetation-plot records in Europe, of which > 1,800,000 are already stored electronically. Of the electronic plots, 60% are stored in TURBOVEG databases. Most plot records probably exist in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, UK, Switzerland and Austria. The largest numbers of plots per unit area are in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and countries of central Europe. The most computerized plots per country exist in the Netherlands (600,000), followed by France, the Czech Republic and the UK. Due to its strong phytosociological tradition, Europe has many more vegetation plots than any other part of the world. This wealth of unique ecological information is a challenge for future biodiversity studies. With the alarming loss in biodiversity and environmental problems like global warming and ongoing changes in land use, there is an urgent need for wide-scale scientific and applied vegetation research. Developments of information systems such as SynBioSys Europe and facilitation of data flow between the national and regional databases should make it easier to use these vegetation-plot data.