Jan Blažek, a correspondent of the Czech Ethnological Society, wrote in 1982 a text that described representatives of selected socio-professional groups in the Czech countryside before World War I. He paid attention to beggars, vagrants, wanderers, and barrel organ players. Even though those people usually were on the margin of society, the author identifies peculiar features of each of the mentioned groups and he differentiates between them (he creates a particular characteristics for each of them). He deals with their social and material situation, majority ́s relationship to them (including possible stereotypes and expressions of solidarity), their life conditions (diet, accommodation, clothing etc.) and other features (way of earning livelihood, typical behaviour, or verbal expressions).
Detektorem kovů byly na vrcholu hory Kletečná (706 m n. m.) v Českém středohoří objeveny dva srpy, datované do Ha B2–3. Střepů či bronzů a depotů pochází z kopců magické krajiny sopečných vyvřelin tohoto třetihorního komplexu značné množství, nejasné nálezové okolnosti a pochybnosti o přesné lokalizaci však komplikovaly votivní interpretaci, nálezem z Kletečné nyní rehabilitovanou. Poloha naleziště při dálkových cestách vedoucích přes České středohoří je činí ještě zajímavějším. V článku je věnována pozornost okolnostem získání nálezu, jeho datování, místu a významu v kontextu krajiny sz. Čech a výšinných lokalit knovízské kultury Br D – Ha B3, paměti krajiny a interpretaci v rámci širšího kontextu, přičemž se zabýváme hlavně nálezy z vrcholků kopců a hor. and Two sickles datable to the Ha B2–3 were found by a metal detectorist on the peak of Kletečná Hill (706 m a.s.l.) in the České středohoří Mts. The find has rehabilitated the sherds or bronzes and hoards known in considerable numbers from the hills in this magical landscape, a Tertiary complex formed by volcanic action, the uncertain finds contexts and doubts as to the precise localisation of which have complicated their votive interpretation. The location of the site, on the long–distance trade route which leads along the range, makes it even more interesting. This contribution considers the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the finds, their dating, their place and importance in the context of the landscape of North–West Bohemia and highland localities in the Br D – Ha B3, landscape memory and interpretation in the wider context, including hills and mountains.