Microchimerisms. Microchimerism is a surprising phenomenon recently introduced in the biological terminology linked to the observation, that particular multicellular organism can harbour small numbers of cells that originated in a genetically different individual. There are several ways how independent individuals can mix up the cells. During pregnancy some cells traffic from the mother to the fetus and from the fetus to the mother. Surprisingly, a small number of the mother´s cells persist in her offspring, including into adult life and a small number of cells from prior pregnancies persist in mothers many years later. It has only recently become apparent that naturally acquired microchimerism is common in human. A number of medical research teams are currently investigating both food and bad consequences of microchimerism in human health and disease. Bad consequences could be linked with autoimunity, the good ones interest those developing reparatory approaches for demaged old bodies and transplantologists dreaming about breaking histoincompatibily limitations.
Cílem přehledové práce je popis v současnosti používaných metod primárního uzávěru střední sternotomie v kardiochirurgii dospělých. V přehledu vycházíme z literárně publikovaných údajů a zaměřujeme se na metodiku, indikace, výhody, limity, biomechanické i klinické výsledky jednotlivých metod, ve vztahu k výskytu hlubokých poruch hojení střední sternotomie po kardiochirurgických operacích., The aim of the overview study is to describe the currently used methods of primary median sternotomy closure in adult cardiac surgery. In the review of published literature, we draw on the data and focus on the methodology, indications, advantages, limitations, biomechanical and clinical results of the different methods in relation to the incidence of deep sternal wound complications after median sternotomy in adult cardiac surgery., and D. Nešpor, P. Fila, J. Černý, P. Němec