b1_The text deals with the efforts to save housework in relation to the process of women’s emancipation. Since the 19th century, using gas, electricity and modern devices in the household promised to eliminate physical exertion and to speed up work substantially. In the process women were to acquire time to participate in education and cultural life. In the 20th century we see a differentiation in women’s roles: educated professional women got rid of most domestic work by hiring other women to perform it. After the Second World War and in relation to the mobilization of women from homes to employment, the communist regime announced the project of the liberated household. A specialized enterprise was to provide full services to households: laundry, cleaning and mending of clothes, cleaning and others. Daily boarding was to be ensured by kitchens in preschool facilities, schools and factories. The displacement of a majority of housework from the household did not succeed, the services sector in real socialism permanently lagged behind the needs of households, and the weight of the second shift was born primarily by women. Since the 1970s the limited market offer and the limitations of public life resulted in various types of domestic activities flourishing further. The text also deals with the maximum rationalization of domestic operation as it has been implemented in the experiment of collective housing. The restriction on the kitchen space which was also reproduced in the housing cores of panel apartment buildings did not work operationally or socially. Food preparation and eating together remained important elements of family life, and today kitchens are the center of a functional home. Cooking has become a recognized activity in which men also participate., b2_Most chores performed in the 19th century by women are carried out today by machines or have been taken over by the industry and paid services. What remains is work related to childcare and nursing the sick and elderly. The recognition and valuation of these activities, performed primarily by women, remain unresolved., Květa Jechová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper presents the results of sediment monitoring in a small experimental agricultural Rybárik basin near Považská Bystrica (Western Slovakia). In compare with rainfall-runoff events, during which suspended sediment concentrations increase with the flow, there is no significant relationship between discharge and suspended sediment concentrations measured during the base flow. These concentrations are considerably lower than those measured during rainfall-runoff events. It is clear, that the behaviour of suspended sediment in the small Rybárik basin is not only a function of flow energy conditions. Sediment transport rates are also a function of sediment availability. Based on suspended sediment concentrations and discharge values measured during the base flow for the hydrological year 1986/87 (1-3 day sampling interval) the annual value of suspended sediment load was calculated. The calculated load for the year 1986/87 is 2106 kg year-1 (17.6 t km-2 year-1) for the Rybárik basin. Due to missing data in the rest of the monitoring period, it was not possible to compute sediment load for other years. However, comparison of suspended sediment concentrations measured on infrequent sampling basis (7 day sampling interval approximately) over a period from April 2001 to October 2001 with concentrations measured for the same period in the year 1987 suggests weak changes in suspended sediment loads for the individual hydrological years. and V príspevku sa uvádzajú výsledky monitorovania sedimentov na malom experimentálnom povodí Rybárik pri Považskej Bystrici. V porovnaní so zrážko-odtokovými udalosťami, počas ktorých sa koncentrácia plavenín zvyšuje s prietokom, medzi prietokom a koncentráciou plavenín v podmienkach základného odtoku nie je významný vzájomný vzťah. Hodnoty koncentrácií sú podstatne nižšie ako hodnoty namerané počas zrážko-odtokových udalostí. Je zrejmé, že správanie plavenín na malom povodí Rybárik nie je len funkciou prietoku, ale aj funkciou tzv. dostupnosti sedimentov. Množstvo plavenín transportovaných v podmienkach základného odtoku počas hydrologického roka 1986/87 z povodia Rybárik, určené na základe hodnôt prietoku a koncentrácií plavenín nameraných v 1-3-dňových intervaloch bolo 2106 kg/rok (17.6 t/km2 /rok). Pre nedostatok údajov v iných rokoch monitorovaného obdobia nedalo sa vypočítať množstvo odneseného sedimentu v týchto rokoch. Napriek tomu, porovnanie hodnôt koncentrácií plavenín nameraných vo vzorkách, ktoré boli nepravidelne odoberané priemerne v 7-dňových intervaloch od apríla 2001 do októbra 2001 s hodnotami, ktoré sa vyskytli v rovnakom období v roku 1987, naznačuje nevýrazné zmeny v množstvách transportovaných plavenín počas jednotlivých hydrologických rokov.