Development of any area often leads to more intensive land use and increase in the generation of pollutants. Modeling these changes is critical to evaluate emerging changes in land use and their effect on stream water quality. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of spatial patterns in land use and population density on the water quality of streams, in case of data scarcity, in the Chugoku district of Japan. The study employed artificial neural network (ANN) technique to assess the relationship between the total phosphorous (TP) in river water and the land use in 21 river basins in the district, and the model was able to reasonably estimate the TP in the stream water. Uncertainty analysis of ANN estimates was performed using the Monte Carlo framework, and the results indicated that the ANN model predictions are statistically similar to the characteristics of the measured TP values. It was observed that any reduction in forested area or increase in agricultural land in the watersheds may cause the increase of TP concentration in the stream. Therefore, appropriate watershed management practices should be followed before making any land use change in the Chugoku district. and Rozvoj územia často súvisí so zintenzívnením využívania krajiny a produkciou znečistenia. Dôležité je modelovanie týchto zmien a ich vplyvu na kvalitu vody v tokoch. Cieľom štúdie je určiť vplyv priestorových zmien pri využívaní krajiny a zmeny hustoty osídlenia na kvalitu vody v tokoch v čase nedostatku vody v oblasti Chugoku, Japonsko. Pri riešení sa využívajú umelé neurónové siete (artificial neural network -ANN), prostredníctvom ktorých sa určuje vzťah medzi celkovým obsahom fosforu (TP) v toku a využívaním kajiny v 21 povodiach oblasti; tento model je schopný vypočítať TP v tokoch. Analýza neurčitosti výsledkov dosiahnutých pomocou ANN bola vykonaná metódou Monte Carlo; výsledky analýzy naznačujú, že predpovede pomocou metódy ANN sú štatisticky podobné meraným hodnotám TP. Bolo zistené, že redukcia lesnatosti a zvýšenie plochy poľnohospodársky využívanej pôdy v povodí môže viesť k zvýšeniu koncentrrácie TP v toku. Je preto potrebné pred zmenou vo využívaní krajiny prijať zodpovedajúce opatrenia v manažmente krajiny, ktoré budú minimalizovať negatívne dôsledky zmien využívania krajiny.
Progrillotia pastinacae Dollfus, 1946 (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is redescribed from the spiral valve of Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus) (Dasyatididae) from the coast of France. Progrillotia dasyatidis sp. n. is described from the spiral valves of Dasyatis tortonesei Capapé (Dasyatididae) from the Mediterranean in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia) and D. pastinaca from the Bassin d'Arcachon (France). The new species differs from congeners in having, on the tentacles, a single rather than two rows of intercalary hooks and fewer testes. The generic definition is emended based upon the new species, the redescription of P. pastinacae Dollfus, 1946 and re-examination of the type specimen of P. louiseuzeti Dollfus, 1969. Important additional characters noted are that the tentacular hooks are solid, a prebulbar organ is present and that there are gland cells attached to the retractor muscle within the bulb. A cladistic analysis suggests that the genus is closely allied with the Eutetrarhynchidae. Progrillotia dollfusi Carvajal et Rego, 1983 is provisionally excluded from the genus as the adult of the species is unknown and a key character of the genus is that the testes are pre-ovarian.
This contribution, which in a brief, succint and almost aphoristic way, critically brings forward to the reader a number of problems of today’s corpus and computational linguistics as well as their unsatisfactory solutions, is trying, at the same time, to do away with a number of myths and simplified opinions in the field. and Příspěvek ve stručné a téměř aforizované podobě připomíná řadu kritizovaných problémů a jejich neuspokojivých řešení v dnešní korpusové a komputační lingvistice a snaží se tak odstranit řadu mýtů a zjednodušujících představ.
a1_We investigated the light reactions, CO2 assimilation, but also the chloroplast ultrastructure in the upper three functional leaves (flag, 2nd, and 3rd leaves) of the Chinese super-high-yield hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ) with ultraviolet-B (UV-B) treatment during reproductive development. Photosynthetic parameters showed that the upper 3 functional leaves of LYPJ entered into senescence approximately 15 days after flag leaf emergence (DAE). Leaves in UV-B treatment exhibited greater efficiency in absorbing and utilizing light energy of photosystem II (PSII), characterized by higher chlorophyll (Chl) content and the whole chain electron transport rate (ETR). However, UV-B radiation reduced activities of Ca2+-ATPase and photophosphorylation. The significantly decreased activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) was greatly associated with the decline in photosynthetic efficiency. The net photosynthetic rate (PN) and stomatal conductance (gs) suffered strong reductions before 25 DAE, and afterwards showed no significant difference between control and treatment. UV-B treatment delayed chloroplasts development of flag leaves. Chloroplast membranes later swelled and disintegrated, and more stromal thylakoids were parallel to each other and were arranged in neat rows, which might be responsible for better performance of the primary light reaction. It is likely that accumulation of starch and an increase in the number of lipid droplet and translucent plastoglobuli were results of an inhibition of carbohydrate transport. Our results suggest that long-term exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation was unlikely to have detrimental effects on the absorption flux of photons and the transport of electrons, but it resulted in the decrease of photophosphorylation and Rubisco activation of LYPJ., a2_The extent of the damage to the chloroplast ultrastructure was consistent with the degree of the inhibition of photosynthesis., G. H. Yu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii