Acidic herbicide MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid) is applied to post-emergence control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds, mostly in cereals. This study was undertaken with two soils of different properties sampled from two soil horizons to determine the extent of degradation, sorption and desorption of MCPA. These processes are the most important to evaluate the fate of the herbicide in soil and its potential to leach from soil into groundwater. Two soils were used: a calcareous, sandy-loam soil with organic carbon content of 2.486 % (Pararendzina) taken from surface A horizon (the A topsoil) and a calcareous, loamy-sand soil with organic C content of 0.600 % (Fluvisol) sampled from subsurface C horizon (the C subsoil). The extent of degradation, sorption and desorption of MCPA were measured in laboratory batch experiments. Degradation followed first-order kinetics, with the MCPA half-lives of 11 and 24 d for the A topsoil and C subsoil, respectively. Soil organic carbon influenced MCPA degradation. Sorption followed a Freundlich isotherm equation and linear isotherm equation, as well. The distribution coefficient KD was higher in the A topsoil (0.387 l kg-1) than in the C subsoil (0.165 l kg-1), consistent with the higher organic C content of the A soil. The results indicate that MCPA is potentially mobile and might pose a threat to future groundwater quality due to its low sorption, relatively high water solubility and slow degradation in the C subsoil. and MCPA, slabokyslý herbicíd, sa používa postemergentne na ničenie jednoročných a trvalých širokolistých burín, najmä v obilninách. Cieľom tejto práce bolo štúdium degradácie, sorpcie a desorpcie MCPA v dvoch rozdielnych pôdach odobratých z odlišnej hĺbky. Tieto procesy v najväčšej miere ovplyvňujú celkové správanie MCPA v pôdach a determinujú jeho migračný potenciál. Použité pôdy boli: karbonátová, piesčito-hlinitá pôda s obsahom organického uhlíka 2,486 % (pararendzina) odobratá z vrchného A horizontu (pôda A) a karbonátová, hlinito-piesčitá pôda s obsahom organického uhlíka 0,600 % (Fluvizem), so znakmi oglejenia odobratá z C horizontu v hĺbke 2 m (pôda C). Všetky sledované procesy boli realizované v nádobkových experimentoch. Rozklad MCPA vyhovoval rýchlostnej rovnici reakcie prvého poriadku. Rozklad MCPA bol rýchlejší v pôde A so zisteným polčasom rozkladu 11 dní ako v pôde C s polčasom rozkladu 24 dní. Rozklad MCPA súvisel s odlišným obsahom organického uhlíka v týchto dvoch vzorkách pôd. Získané sorpčné izotermy MCPA vyhovovali rovniciam Freundlichovej a lineárnej sorpčnej izotermy. Rozdeľovací koeficient KD MCPA bol vyšší pre pôdu A (0,387 l kg-1) ako pre pôdu C (0,165 l kg-1). Vyššia sorpčná kapacita pôdy A ako pôdy C sa zhodovala s vyšším obsahom organického uhlíka v pôde A. Výsledky tejto práce naznačujú, že MCPA je potenciálne mobilný herbicíd a môže predstavovať veľké riziko pre kvalitu podzemných vôd v dôsledku jeho málo účinnej sorpcie, pomerne vysokej rozpustnosti vo vode a zvýšenej perzistencii v hlbších častiach pôdneho profilu.
The expectation is that the phenology of an herbivore is influenced by abiotic factors and its own population density during development. In this study, we investigated how the pupal density affected the pupal traits and emergence of Thaumetopoea pityocampa moths over a period of 3 years in two clearings in a pine forest. The pupae were larger in years when the pupal density was high and in the clearing exposed to less solar radiation. There was no relationship between the time of pupation and pupal size. Large pupae were positively correlated with an early emergence of adult moths and a longer period of adult emergence. Up to 13.9% of the pupae developed without cocoons, especially in years when they were abundant, but this did not affect the emergence of the moths. Incidence of pupal diapause was density-dependent and only occurred at a low level in dense populations. Overall, our results indicate that gregariousness confers important fitness-related advantages in this species.