Weathering profiles in tropical regions usually present great heterogeneity and anisotropy of geological materials. High structural complexity and great bedrock irregularity are added when these profiles are composed of metamorphic rocks. Therefore, geological-geotechnical research initiatives in these regions imply indirect methods associated with direct methods. In this context, we studied the San Juan dam foundation in the Dominican Republic, geologically composed of young residual schist soil cover (up to 20 m), in which occurs schist layers of low resistance to SPT (2 SPT blows/30 cm) consistent with a massive and stratified marble rock, which tends to concentrate karst cavities. This geological condition, associated with the vast extent of the dam influence area, motivated the adoption of an indirect method by electrical resistivity intending to identify sites with the possibility of occurrence of cavities filled or not under the reservoir foundation and in the dam axis itself. Subsequently, a more rational initiative of mixed drillings was carried out in sites with such possibility, resulting in discarding these hypotheses and demonstrating that these cavities correspond to graphite schists and non-karst marbles, competent materials as dam foundation.
The article deals with the phenomenon of the sexual harassment in the working place in the Czech Republic. The authors analyze sexual harassment as one of effects of men's symbolic power over women causing cultural misrecognition of women and at the same time as one of factors supporting economic inequality between men and women in western societies. They apply the two-dimensional theory of justice by Nancy Fraser and argue that the existence of sexual harassment confirms Fraser's notion of gender as bivalent category as well as the necessity for combining the cultural politics of recognition with politics of redistribution. Furthermore, the article presents the research's results on incidence and forms of the sexual harassment in the population of the Czech Republic which was realized by the Public Opinion Research Center and by the department Gender & sociology of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The research confirms the existence and high significance of the phenomenon of sexual harassment within the working relations in the Czech Republic.
Two hundred and forty brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 49 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), obtained from 21 locations in Central Scotland between October 1990 and August 1993, were examined for endoparasitic helminth infections. Crepidostomum farionis (Digenea) was the most widely distributed helminth species, followed by Eubothrium crassum (Cestoda), Diphyllobothrium dendriticum and D. ditremum (Cestoda), Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Acanthocephala), Echinorhyn-chus truttae (Acanthocephala), Eustrongylides sp. (Nematoda), Capillaria salvelini (Nematoda), Cyalhocephalus truncatus (Cestoda), Raphidascaris acus (Nematoda) and Cystidicola farionis (Nematoda), in that order. The prevalences and intensities of each helminth infection were recorded. No evidence was found to indicate that even fish with the highest worm burdens (e.g. 339 plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium spp.) were experiencing any obvious morbidity. An analysis of pairs of associations between species of helminths revealed a significantly positive association between N. rutili and C. farionis (P < 0.01). The results are discussed in terms of patterns in helminth communities in freshwater fish.
The cataract is the physiological process of the aging which is treated by the ophthalmological surgeon. The surgeon removes the opacity mass from the human lens and insert the intraocular lens (IOL) with the specific dioptric power. The implant dioptric power calculation is realized by formulas based on the statistical principles. The accuracy of these formulas is good in the biometric normal eye (the axial length of the eye 22 to 24mm, keratometry of the cornea around 43 D). However, the dioptric power calculation of the implant in the non-biometric standard eye leads to the unexpected postoperative axial refraction. The new proposed method based on the ray tracing allows the computation with the higher accuracy. The accuracy of this method was confirmed by the clinical study. and Vznik katarakty, neboli šedého zákalu, je fyziologickým projevem stárnutí a běžně se dnes řeší chirurgickým výkonem. V rámci tohoto výkonu jsou z lidské čočky odsáty zkalené čočkové hmoty a do oka je vložena nitrooční čočka (IOL) o jmenovité dioptrické hodnotě, která má nahradit chybějící dioptrie oka. Výpočet optické mohutnosti nitrooční čočky je prováděn léty ověřenými vzorci. Tyto vzorce z velké části čerpají ze statistického základu a vedou k velmi dobré prediktibilitě v oblasti statisticky normálních očí, tj. axiální délka oka 22 až 24mm, keratometrie rohovky okolo 43 D. Výpočet optické mohutnosti IOL v případě očí s nestandardními biometrickými hodnotami není vždy zcela přesný a setkáváme se s nežádoucí pooperační refrakcí. Metoda ray tracing úspěšně odbourává statistický základ výpočtu. Tato metoda se snaží velmi věrně napodobit šíření světla a je vhodná k použití na jakékoliv biometricky rozmanité oko. Výpočet IOL postavený na metodě ray tracing poskytuje v oblasti nestandardních očí výsledky, které jsou přesnější než konvenčně používané vzorce. Tento závěr byl učiněn po klinické studii provedené na 6 očích.
This article presents the results of a 2019 rescue excavation of an Upper Palaeolithic settlement at Kouty III in Hlinsko u Lipníka in Central Moravia. The excavation took place due to a planned enlargement of the local greywacke mine. Lithic artefacts were found in Quaternary sediments redeposited by slope processes. The density of artefacts was quite low; therefore, it was not possible to recover them using a standard archaeological excavation and most of them were collected on the mounds of dirt beside the trenches excavated by a mechanical excavator, or during an excavation of the Eneolithic barrows situated in the south-western part of the site. A total of 106 lithic pieces were found during this excavation. Eighteen of the artefacts lacked a patinated surface, thus they were attributed to the Eneolithic period. A collection of 88 patinated lithics was classified as Aurignacian based on technological and typological characteristics. Most of the artefacts were made on erratic flint, however radiolarite, quartzite, spongolite and Moravian Jurassic chert were present as well. The technology was based on production of blades and bladelets from Upper Palaeolithic prismatic cores. These bladelets could have been used as components of composite tools. One tool set is similar to the neighbouring site Kouty I (Škrdla 2007) and consists of nine burins, three splintered pieces, one thick end scraper and two tool fragments. A bifacial triangular point that was found at Kouty I (Demidenko et al. 2018) and at several other surface sites in the surrounding area, were not found here. Despite this fact it is possible to classify this site as Evolved Aurignacian of the so-called Morava River type (Klíma 1978), which is quite common in this region.