Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is a metalloenzyme that performs interconversion between CO2 and the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-). CAs appear among all taxonomic groups of three domains of life. Wide spreading of CAs in nature is explained by the fact that carbon, which is the major constituent of the enzyme’s substrates, is a key element of life on the Earth. Despite the diversity of CAs, they all carry out the same reaction of CO2/HCO3- interconversion. Thus, CA obviously represents a universal enzyme of the
carbon-based life. Within the classification of CAs, here we proposed the existence of an extensive family of CA-related proteins (γCA-RPs) - the inactive forms of γ-CAs, which are widespread among the Archaea, Bacteria, and, to a lesser extent, in Eukarya. This review focuses on the history of CAs discovery and integrates the most recent data on their classification, catalytic mechanisms, and physiological roles at various organisms., E. Kupriyanova, N. Pronina, D. Los., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Otázku, jak dalece je gramatika utvářena svou funkcí, tedy tím, že lidem umožňuje užívat jazyk ke sdělování a při racionálním myšlení, lze zodpovědět, uvážíme-li, že autonomie syntaxe (právem předpokládaná formálním přístupem) nevylučuje vliv užívání jazyka na vlastnosti jeho gramatiky. Rozborem příkladů z problematiky slovosledu (včetně jeho funkcí daných aktuálním členěním) i strukturní ikoničnosti (aspoň částečné paralelnosti vztahů syntaktických a obsahových u kauzativ, u posesivity aj.) a tlaku relativní snadnosti syntaktické analýzy (rychlého porozumění vnímané větě) se ukazuje, že důsledky tohoto vlivu naprosto nejsou zanedbatelné. Během vývoje vznikají v jazycích nové konstrukce pod tlakem nových funkcí, postupně pak dochází к osamostatnění a zobecnění konstrukcí bez přímého vztahu к funkci. Takto stále znovu obnovovaná autonomie syntaxe tedy může mít funkční vysvětlení, podobně jako jiné vlastnosti gramatiky.
Transient infiltration into a swelling, cracked fine-textured soil was calculated using the originally designed FRACTURE submodel (version B) of the HYDRUS-ET simulation model. The model permits changes in the dimensions of the cracks during the infiltration process. Modeling results obtained with the new model were compared with those from FRACTURE submodel (version A) assuming a stable crack system. It is shown that deforming cracks lead to higher rates of infiltration during precipitation events as compared with stable cracks. A difference of about 20 percent was estimated in our illustrative example. and Práca obsahuje výsledky matematického modelovania infiltrácie vody do pôdy s puklinami, meniacimi svoje rozmery pocas procesu, (verzia B) v závislosti na vlhkosti pôdy, ktoré sú porovnané s výsledkami, získanými pomocou modelu s konštantnými rozmermi puklín (verzia A) pocas infiltrácie zrážok. Submodel FRACTURE - verzia B, ktorá kvantifikuje infiltráciu vody do pôdy s deformujúcimi sa puklinami je súcastou modelu HYDRUS–ET. Porovnanie výsledkov modelovania pomocou oboch submodelov ukázalo, že pocas zrážkovej udalosti v tomto ilustratívnom príklade rýchlost infiltrácie do pôdy s deformujúcimi sa puklinami je asi o 20 % väcšia ako do pôdy so stabilnými puklinami. Treba poznamenat, že meranie charakteristík infiltrácie vody do pôdy s puklinami a súcasné meranie deformácií siete puklín nie je v prírode prakticky možné, preto matematické modely môžu byt použité aj ako nástroje vedeckého výskumu v numerických experimentoch.
The author analyses the organization of selected nursery schools and their interactive patterns with the assistance of ethnological concept of rituals of transition. Two types of nursery schools were chosen for this purpose - the alternative model of initial schooling represented by approach of Maria Montessori and the common public nursery school. The author describes the Montessori-preschool as a place of sacral ritual practices which correspond to transitional schema of A. van Gennep and V. Turner. The common public nursery school can be also understood as organization based on rituals of transition, but its rituals are symbolically reduced and meet more profane purposes. These propositions are demonstrated with the assistance of conceptual and field data (resulting from school ethnography). The significant symbolic divergence of transitional schéma in both organizations is in contrast to similar formative effects on children. The common implicit aim of these schemas seems to be the effective conformization of behavior, which Montessori calls “joyful obedience”.
In this paper, I discuss a specifi c approach to measuring and comparing the simplicity of theories that is based on Lewis’s notion of fundamental properties. In particular, I discuss the criterion of simplicity as stated by Williams. According to Williams, the best candidate for a theory is the one which has the shortest defi nition in terms of fundamental properties. Th e aim of this paper is to show that the criterion thus specifi ed has two constraints. First, the criterion is not applicable to cases in which candidates for theories that specify fundamental properties are compared. Secondly, the applicability of the criterion in social sciences seems to be unwarranted. and V tomto příspěvku se zabývám specifi ckým přístupem k měření a porovnání jednoduchosti teorií, který je založen na Lewisově pojetí fundamentálních vlastností. Zejména se zabývám kritériem jednoduchosti, jak ho prezentuje Williams. Podle Williamse nejlepší kandidát na teorii je ten, který má nejkratší defi nici z hlediska fundamentálních vlastností. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je ukázat, že takto specifi kované kritérium má dvě omezení. Zaprvé, kritérium není použitelné v případech, kdy porovnáváme kandidáty na teorie, které stanovují fundamentální vlastnosti. Zadruhé, aplikace tohoto kritéria v sociálních vědách se zdá být neopodstatněná.
For practical reasons, this páper is limited to the discussion of Native American art making use of visual and tactile channels and to only two cul ture areas north ofMexico. After the relatively few generalizations that holdfor native North America, the author takés up the art of the Great Plains and the Southwest. With respect to the former culture area, he lists those traditional objects to which aesthetic considerations weregiven, and then describes the methods ušed to decorate them, the main stylistic features of the artwork and its symbolism, and also some of the changes that the art of the Great Plains has undergone. The art of the Arapaho is ušed as an example typical of the culture area. As for the Southwest, a culture area particularly rich in a number of genres of visual arts, the author briefly describes basketry, pottery, silverwork, Navajo weaving, and Hopi kachina dolls. Both historical background and the contemporary situation are discussed, and illustrations are provided to supplement the text.
In the Prague Dependency Treebank, a part of the texts from the Czech National Corpus is being annotated on several layers, including the underlying (tectogrammatical) representations. The usefulness of such a treebank is briefly characterized and a large set of topics is discussed for which further monographical research appears to be necessary. The future discussion and elaboration of these topics can be carried out much more effectively with the use of the annotated corpus, and the results thus gained may then serve to an enrichment of the descriptive framework and of the annotation procedure.