When in vitro growth of Vittaforma comeae was tested using MDCK, MRC-5, XEN, L-929 and FHM cell lines, propagation occurred only in MDCK, MRC-5 and XEN cells. The intervals required for the various stages of the life cycle to develop were the same in all the cell lines tested. The MDCK cell line was selected to support the growth of V. comeae in vitro and provide the system for in vitro testing of drugs. The weekly output of V. comeae spores from the MDCK cell monolayer was monitored over a 61-week period during which there were fluctuations but no definite increase or decrease in output. Albendazole at 2.1 or 4.2 pg/ml in MEM was tested against V. comeae in MDCK cell monolayers and showed antimicrosporidial activity. The percentage of infected cells was reduced in the presence of the drug and there were ultrastmctural abnormalities in all stages of the life cycle. The drug prevents parasite division.
Monocollocable words are such words and word forms that occur in a single lexical combination only or in very few, whose number is severely restricted and set. Practically, they are found as parts of set idioms and multi-word terms. They are found in many other languages, cf. English tenterhooks or Russian bakluši. Czech examples dát/dostat najevo, na viděnou, je mi líto, říct/mluvit/hrát nahlas, je známo, je zapotřebí, být třešničkou na dortu, není divu, jít/chodit pěšky, dát/dostat zadarmo illustrate this in more detail, showing, at the same time, that there might be a limited variation found, too, but, above all, that these are, in fact, no full-fledged words, lacking most of their basic characteristics, such as meaning, word-class membership, etc. In the sense of their severely limited combinatorial capacity, these words, less known under such alternative labels as cranberry words, form a substantial and irregular periphery of language and its lexicon. The contribution briefly comments on some of their aspects and suggests that broadly some classes or types can be recognized.
Autor článku je uveden se zkratkou křestního jména J., Článek zahrnuje úvodní poznámku k Velkému dotazníku, and Článek je opatřen poznámkovým aparátem na str. 12
Investigations on the epizoic fauna of Gadus morhua (L.), Piatichthys flesus (L.) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) from the Kiel Fjord and Kiel Bight were carried out from September 1996 to March 1997. Smears from 120 G. morhua and 92 P. flesus caught using fish traps and trammel nets, and of 35 O. mykiss obtained from a local fish farm in the Kiel Fjord revealed the presence of three species of trichodinid ciliatcs, Trichodina claviformis sp. n., Trichodina jadranica Haider, 1964 and Trichodina raahei Loin, 1962. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by its large size in combination with the characteristically shaped adhesive disc containing denticles with club-like formed thorns. The thorns are directed anteriorly and not towards the centre of the adhesive disc. As the Kiel Bight and Kiel Fjord are new locality records for T. jadranica and T. raabei, morphological data are provided for both species. Trichodina claviformis is the first record of a pcrilrichous mobiline ciliate from Atlantic cod of the Baltic Sea. An identification Icey for 16 Trichodina species occurring on Baltic Sea fishes is provided based on the morphology of the adhesive disc and other well-established features The occurrence of trichodinid ciliates on G. morhua and P. flesus in the Baltic Sea is discussed, especially considering the biology of the host and a possible host specificity of the species.
This paper summarizes work done in this laboratory over the last two years on the cloning of microsporidian rRNA by homology PCR and its subsequent use in diagnostic tests and phylogenetic studies. Using highly conserved primers in the 16S or small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) these genes were cloned from human intestinal biopsies with transmission electron microscopy proven Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Septata intestinalis. The SSU-rRNA genes were then used to design and test several primer pairs for the diagnosis of microsporidian infection. Utilizing the polymerase chain reaction and primers V1 and EB45Ü Ent. bieneusi infected duodenal aspirates or intestinal biopsies could be detected. Using V I and SI500 infection with S. intestinalis could be detected. In addition to diagnostic tests, phylogenetic relationships were examined using sequence data from the fragment amplified by PCR by primer 530f in the SSU-rRNA and primer 580r in the large subunit rRNA. This data supported the placement of S. intestinalis in the family Encephalitozoonidae. In addition, it confirmed that Encephalitozoon cuniculi, E. hellem and S. intestinalis are distinct organisms. These techniques have broad applications to the study of other microsporidia and the development of a molecular phylogeny.