This article deals with quantitative determination of the error following the ellipsometric data obtained from a curved surface including the influence of non-collimated beams. Numerical model, based on the combination of geometrical and wave optics, is restricted to the example of single dielectric layer deposited on the substrate with complex index of refraction. Three methods for averaging the possible measurable ellipsometric data are compared and analysed. and V článku je analyzován vliv zakřiveného povrchu na přesnost vyhodnocení elipsometrických parametrů získaných změřením odraženého sbíhavého (rozbíhavého nebo kolimovaného) svazku dopadajícího na sférický povrch. Numerický model je omezen na příklad jedné tenké dielektrické vrstvy nanesené na podložce s komplexním indexem lomu, fyzikálně vycházející z geometrického modelu šíření dílčích paprsků známé polarizace, zatímco pro šíření elektromagnetického pole v tenké vrstvě je využito metody vlnové optiky. Jsou uváženy tři způsoby průměrování lokálních veličin a porovnány odchylky od správných hodnot indexu lomu a tloušťky dielektrické vrstvy.
Avtor v etom svojem esse zanimajetsja poslednim desjatiletijem ukrainskoj literatury v svjazi s vozniknovenijem Ukrainy kak samostojatel'nogo gosudarstva. Obraščajetsja zdes' vnimanije na te elementy literaturnogo processa, kotoryje okazali vlijanije na poiski novoj identičnosti sovremennoj ukrainskoj literatury.
Ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, reduces pain by decreasing central sensitization and pain windup. However, chronic ketamine use can cause tolerance, dependency, impaired consciousness, urinary symptoms, and abdominal pain. This study aimed to investigate the effects of repeated ketamine injections and ketamine readministration after discontinuation in a rat model of neuropathic pain. To induce neuropathic pain, partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL) was performed in 15 male Wistar rats, and these animals were divided into three groups: PSNL (control), PSNL + ketamine 5 mg/kg (K5), and PSNL + ketamine 10 mg/kg (K10; n=5 each). Ketamine was injected intraperitoneally daily for 4 weeks, discontinued for 2 weeks, and then readministered for 1 week. Following PSNL, the mechanical withdrawal threshold was determined weekly using the Von Frey. The K10 group showed a significant increase in the mechanical withdrawal threshold, presented here as the target force (in g), at 21 and 28 days compared to the time point before ketamine injection (mean±SE, 276.0±24.0 vs. 21.6±2.7 and 300.0±0.0 vs. 21.6±2.7, respectively; P<0.01) and at 14, 21, and 28 days compared to the control group (108.2±51.2 vs. 2.7±1.3, 276.0±24.0 vs. 2.5±1.5, and 300.0±0.0 vs. 4.0±0.0, respectively; P<0.05). However, in the K10 group, the ketamine effects decreased significantly at 7 days after readministration compared to those after 28 days of repeated injections (P<0.05). In the K10 group, repeated ketamine injections showed a significant increase in antinociceptive effect for >2 weeks, but this ketamine effect decreased after drug readministration.