A list of alien plant species recorded from Svalbard in the summer of 1988 is presented. Two localities, the Russian settlements of Barentsburg and Pyramiden on the Isfjorden, Spitsbergen, were studied. Prior to this study, almost 60 alien species were recorded from Svalbard by other investigators. During the research reported here, 44 taxa were found, 14 of which are new records for the Svalbard archipelago. Six species are considered to be possibly naturalized; however, it is difficult to assess their naturalization status because of the severity of the climate in the study area. A complete list of species is presented, with information on height and phenological stage of particular specimens. Most of the alien plants recorded at the two settlements belong to the family Brassicaceae.
Mitrostoma nototheniae Manter, 1954 is redescribed from Aplodactylus arctidens Richardson, off northern Tasmania. Opisthadena dimidia Linton, 1910 is reported from Kyphosus bigibbus Lacepède, Ningaloo, Western Australia, K. cinerascens (Forsskål), off Heron Island and Ningaloo, Western Australia, Kyphosus cornelii (Whitley), off Kalbarri, Western Australia, K. sydneyanus Günther, off Fremantle, Western Australia, K. sydneyanus ?, Ningaloo, Western Australia and K. vaigiensis (Quoy et Gaimard), off Heron and Lizard Islands, Queensland and Moorea, French Polynesia: measurements and an illustration are given. Neopisthadena habei Machida, 1980 is reported from K. sydneyanus off Fremantle, Western Australia: measurements and an illustration are given. Data derived from these specimens are used to recode a data-matrix developed by León-Règagnon et al. (1996), and the resultant tree produced is almost congruent with that of these authors. Our data indicate that this group of parasites is associated mostly with herbivorous hosts and that O. dimidia, while geographically widespread, is stenoxenic to the genus Kyphosus.
During ontogeny of Gossypium hirsutum L. floral buds (squares), increases in area and dry mass (DM) of floral bracts and the subtending sympodial leaf followed a sigmoid growth curve with increasing square age. The maximum growth rates of the bract area and bract DM occurred between 15 and 20 d after square first appearance (3 mm in diameter). Net photosynthetic rate (PN) of the sympodial leaf at first fruiting branch position of main-stem node 10 reached a maximum when the subtended square developed into a white flower. Floral bracts had much lower PN and higher dark respiration than the subtending leaf. The amount of 14CO2 fixation by the bracts of a 20-d-old square was only 22 % of the subtending leaf, but 56 % of 14C-assimilate in the floral bud was accumulated from the bracts, 27 % from the subtending leaf, and only 17 % from the main-stem leaf at 6 h after 14C feeding these source s. Hence floral bracts play an important role in the carbon supply of developing cotton squares. and Duli Zhao, D. M. Oosterhuis.
In this paper we give some complete characterizations of the primitive of strongly Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions which are defined on m with values in a Banach space.
The aim of the paper is to analyse a possible teleconnection of AO (Artic Oscillation), SO (Southern Oscillation), PDO (Pacific Decade Oscillation), NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) and QBO (Quasi Biennial Oscillation) phenomena with long-term streamflow fluctuation in Hron River basin (Central Slovakia). The spectral analysis shows that for the series of AO, NAO, SO, and PDO indexes we can identify the ca 2.4-; 3.6-; 7.8-; 14-; 21-;30- and 36-yr cycles. The coincident cycles were found in the monthly discharge time series from the Hron basin (period 1931-2000) using combined periodogram method. As these periods were found in almost all discharge series analysed within very different geographical zones, it can be considered as the general regularity on the earth. The regularity is related to general oceanic and atmospheric circulation, part of which are also the SO, AO, PDO and NAO phenomena. and Cieľom predloženej štúdie je analýza možných telekonekcií Arktickej oscilácie (AO), Južnej oscilácie (SO), Tichomorskej dekádnej oscilácie (PDO), Severoatlantickej oscilácie (NAO) a Kvázi dvojročnej oscilácie (QBO) s viacročnými cyklami priemerných ročných prietokov v povodí rieky Hron (stredné Slovensko). Spektrálnou analýzou časových radov AO, NAO, SO, a PDO indexov boli nájdené nasledujúce viacročné cykly kolísania indexov: ca 2,4; 3,6; 7,8; 14; 21; 30 a 36 rokov. Metódou kombinovaného periodogramu boli nájdené zhodné cykly kolísania viacročných suchých a mokrých období i v mesačných prietokových radoch z povodia Hrona (1930-2000). Keďže tieto periódy boli nájdené vo všetkých prietokových radoch z rôznych geografických zón, môžu byť považované za všeobecný jav na Zemi. Toto pravidelné opakovanie mokrých a suchých období súvisí so všeobecnou cirkuláciou oceánov a atmosféry, súčasťou ktorých sú i SO, AO, PDO, NAO a QBO javy.