The larval development of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii (Rudolphi, 1819), a common parasite of the proventriculus of cormorants, was experimentally studied. Within the eggs cultivated in freshwater under laboratory temperatures of 20-22 °C, the developing larva undergoes two moults on days 4-5, attaining the third larval stage. Most of the ensheathed third-stage larvae, 291-457 µm long, hatch spontaneously from egg shells on days 5-6. Experiments have indicated that hatched ensheated third-stage larvae and those still inside egg capsules are already infective to copepods and fishes, which both can be considered paratenic (metaparatenic) hosts. Five copepod species, Acanthocyclops vernalis, Cyclops strenuus, Ectocyclops phaleratus, Eucyclops serrulatus and Megacyclops viridis, the isopod Asellus aquaticus and small carps Cyprinus carpio were infected by feeding them these larvae. In addition, 9 fish species, Alburnoides bipunctatus, Anguilla anguilla, Barbatula barbatula, Cyprinus carpio, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis, Phoxinus phoxinus, Poecilia reticulata and Tinca tinca, were successfully infected by feeding them copepods previously infected with C. rudolphii third-stage larvae. In fishes, larvae from copepods penetrate through the intestinal wall to the body cavity, where, in a few weeks, they become encapsulated; the larvae substantially grow in fish, attaining the body length up to 4.87 mm. In carp fry, the nematode third-stage larvae survived for about 15 months (up to 18 months in fish infected directly, i.e., without copepods). One small cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) was successfully infected by feeding it with copepods harbouring C. rudolphii third-stage larvae.
Drought as a natural phenomenon becomes more often the subject of the research. It is because of the increasing frequency of extreme climatic events also in mild climate conditions. Groundwater drought indices could be derived for different groundwater parameters, among them for base flow, groundwater head stage, spring yield, or groundwater recharge. Base flow drought assessment methods were proposed in the paper. Base flow values were separated from the discharge hydrograms using the new HydroOffice 2010 program package, lately developed by Gregor. The base flow drought severity index was applied, calculated as the value of the base flow drought deficit volume divided by the drought duration. After that, the standardized base flow drought severity index was proposed as the ratio of the base flow drought index and the average long-term annual base flow. Proposed methods were applied in the Nitra River basin. Base flow drought occurrence was characterized also from the seasonality point of view. and Sucho ako jeden z prírodných javov sa čoraz častejšie stáva predmetom výskumu. Príčinou je narastajúca frekvencia výskytu extrémnych klimatických situácií aj v miernych zemepisných šírkach. Klasifikačné kritériá výskytu sucha v podzemnej vode možno odvodiť pre rôzne parametre podzemnej vody, napríklad pre hodnoty podzemného odtoku, úrovne hladiny podzemnej vody, výdatnosti prameňa alebo dopĺňania zásob. V príspevku sú navrhnuté metódy hodnotenia sucha v podzemnom odtoku. Hodnoty podzemného odtoku boli z hydrogramu prietokov odseparované pomocou nového štatistického balíka HydroOffice 2010, ktorý bol v nedávnej minulosti vytvorený Gregorom. Index závažnosti sucha bol vypočítaný ako podiel nedostatkového objemu podzemného odtoku a dĺžky trvania sucha. Následne bola hodnota indexu závažnosti sucha normalizovaná vydelením dlhodobou priemernou hodnotou podzemného odtoku. Navrhnutá metodika bola použitá pre povodie toku Nitra. Výskyt sucha v podzemnej vode bol hodnotený aj z pohľadu jeho sezónnosti.
Der Text hat zum Ziel, drei Aspekte von Vysockijs Übersetzungen (als Ausgangspunkt wählen wir die jüngste Übersetzung von Milan Dvořák aus dem Jahre 1998 aus) zu bewerten. Es handelt sich um die rhytmische, lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Komponente. Mit Hilfe der Resultate können Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der tschechisch-russischen Literaturbeziehungen gezogen werden. Dies spiegelt sich vor allem auf der lexikalischen Ebene wider. Das Tschechische verfügt nicht über die lebendige Schicht der sog. Gaunersprache, deren Kombination mit anderen stilistischen Mitteln die Wirkung zahlreicher Texte ausmacht. Dementsprechend wirken manche Stellen, die im Original einen poetischen Wert haben, in der tschechischen Version salopp. Der Aufsatz berücksichtigt ebenfalls die musikalische Komponente der Texte, die im Russischen eine spezifische Rolle spielt. Bei den meisten Texten existiert sie jedoch unabhängig von poetischen Rhytmus. Diese Doppelexistenz vieler Texte wird in der tschechischen Variante aufgehoben.
We consider the Laplacian in a domain squeezed between two parallel hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces of any dimension, subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on one of the hypersurfaces and Neumann boundary conditions on the other. We derive two-term asymptotics for eigenvalues in the limit when the distance between the hypersurfaces tends to zero. The asymptotics are uniform and local in the sense that the coefficients depend only on the extremal points where the ratio of the area of the Neumann boundary to the Dirichlet one is locally the biggest.