In in vivo cardiovascular or toxicological studies involving rat models, changes in selected electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters are monitored after various interventions to assess the origin and development of heart rhythm disorders. Each ECG parameter has diagnostic significance; as such, commonly evaluated ECG parameters, including heart rate, PR interval, P wave duration, P wave amplitude, QRS complex, QT and QTc interval duration, R wave and T wave amplitude, of rats under various types of general anesthesia were the focus of this study. Studies that performed in vivo cardiovascular or toxicological experiments in rats were retrieved from a search of the Web of Science database for articles published mainly between 2000 and 2021. In total, the search retrieved 123 articles. ECG parameters that were reported as baseline or control values were summarized and averages with ranges were calculated. It is important to be cautious when interpreting results and, in discussions addressing the mechanisms underlying a given type of arrhythmia, acknowledge that initial ECG parameters may already be affected to some extent by the general anesthesia as well as by sex and the time of day the experiments were performed. and autoři: Pavol Svorc, Pavol Svorc Jr
Sorption of herbicides (acetochlor, atrazine, 2,4-D-DMA, chlorotoluron, MCPA and trifluralin) in six soils was evaluated. Among herbicides studied, dissociable herbicides (MCPA and 2,4-D-DMA) were the least sorbed, whereas nonionic herbicides were the most sorbed (acetochlor < chlorotoluron < trifluralin). The distribution coefficient values KD and equilibrium sorbed amounts positively correlated with soil organic carbon content for all herbicides except MCPA. Moreover, all herbicides except MCPA were the most sorbed in the Vertisoil (SA) with relatively high content of expanding clay minerals in proportion to organic carbon content. Organic carbon - water distribution coefficient values KOC for each herbicide showed a smaller variation among soils used except the SA soil than distribution coefficients KD. To estimate potential risk of groundwater contamination by herbicides investigated, measured KOC and treshold GUS values (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) were used to calculate half-lives t1/2 that would rank herbicides as potentially hazardous and non-hazardous. Comparison of calculated t1/2 values to published was found that atrazine and MCPA could be considered hazardous herbicides, trifluralin non-hazardous herbicide and acetochlor, 2,4-D and chlorotoluron could be hazardous or non-hazardous, depending on soil type. Presented analysis was also in line with risk assessment of groundwater contamination according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) criterion. and Referát prináša výsledky výskumu sorpcie herbicídov (acetochlór, atrazín, 2,4-D-DMA, chlórtoluron, MCPA a trifluralín) v šiestich poľnohospodárskych pôdach. V rámci sledovaných herbicídov najnižšie rovnovážne sorbované množstvá v pôdach boli zistené pre disociovateľné herbicídy (MCPA a 2,4-D-DMA) a najvyššie pre nepolárne herbicídy (acetochlór < chlórtoluron < trifluralín). Ukázalo sa, že s rastúcim podielom organického uhlíka v použitých pôdach sa priamo úmerne zvyšuje rovnovážne sorbované množstvo sledovaných herbicídov s výnimkou MCPA. Navyše, všetky herbicídy okrem MCPA sa najlepšie sorbovali v pôde smonica (SA) s relatívne vysokým podielom expandujúcich ílových minerálov v pomere k obsahu organického uhlíka. V rámci použitých pôd s výnimkou pôdy smonica (SA) boli rozdiely medzi zistenými hodnotami rozdeľovacích koeficientov normalizovaných na podiel organického uhlíka KOC pre daný herbicíd výrazne nižšie ako rozdiely medzi rozdeľovacími koeficientami KD. Na posúdenie potenciálneho rizika kontaminácie podzemných vôd skúmanými herbicídmi boli využité stanovené KOC a hraničné hodnoty ukazovateľa GUS (riziko výskytu organickej látky v podzemných vodách), z ktorých sa vypočítali žiadané polčasy rozkladu t1/2. Porovnaním vypočítaných t1/2 s publikovanými v literatúre sa dospelo k záveru, že atrazín a MCPA možno považovať za rizikové herbicídy vo všetkých pôdach, trifluralín za herbicíd bez rizika a acetochlór, 2,4-D a chlórtoluron za rizikové alebo bez rizika v závislosti od pôdneho typu. Uvedená analýza sa zhodovala aj s analýzou možného rizika kontaminácie podľa kritérií EPA.