The paper presents review of occurrence frequency of extreme hydrological events in a small agricultural basin in the flysh region over the period of 40 years (1964/65 - 2003/04). No human alterations were carried out in the basin over the period studied and hence influence of climatic changes on intensification of water cycle could be evaluated. Peaks over threshold (POT) method was applied separately to winter and summer hydrological events. In comparison with annual maximum series, all mean daily discharge values over a certain thresholds were taken into account for POT frequency analysis. The frequency of POT events has decreased in the past two decades (1984/85 - 1993/94 and 1994/95 - 2003/04). The results reveal that the most extreme values occurred in the 1964/65 - 1973/74 decade, mostly caused by summer rainfall. High event frequency also emerges in the 1974/75 - 1983/84 decade, especially in winter seasons as the consequence of snow melting. It is most likely that influence of climatic changes has not resulted yet in increase of occurrence frequency of POT events in the basin studied over the 40 years period. and Príspevok sa zaoberá frekvenciou výskytu extrémnych hydrologických udalostí na malom poľnohospodárskom povodí vo flyšovom pásme počas 40-ročnej periódy (1964/65-2003/04). Počas tohto obdobia nebolo povodie ovplyvnené významnými zmenami ľudskej činnosti a preto mohol byť zhodnotený vplyv klimatických zmien na intenzifikáciu hydrologického cyklu. POT metóda bola aplikovaná zvlášť pre zimné a letné hydrologické udalosti. V porovnaní so sériami ročných maxím, všetky priemerné denné prietoky nad určitou prahovou hodnotou boli zahrnuté do POT frekvenčných analýz. Frekvencia POT udalostí (nad zvolenou prahovou hodnotou) klesla v posledných dvoch dekádach (1984/85-1993/94 a 1994/95- 2003/04). Výsledky ukazujú, že najextrémnejšie hodnoty priemerných denných prietokov, spôsobené prevažne letnými prívalovými zrážkami sa objavili v dekáde 1964/65-1973/74. Vysoké hodnoty prietokov, spôsobené prevažne topením snehovej pokrývky sa vyskytli tiež v dekáde 1974/75-1983/84. Je nanajvýš pravdepodobné, že v študovanom povodí za obdobie 40-tich rokov klimatické zmeny nemali zatiaľ vplyv na zvyšovanie frekvencie extrémnych udalostí.
Dark-grown seedlings of Pinus mugo Turra and Pinus sylvestris L. accumulate chlorophyll (Chl) and its precursor protochlorophyllide (Pchlide). Pchlide reduction is a key regulatory step in Chl biosynthesis. In the dark, Pchlide is reduced by light-independent Pchlide oxidoreductase (DPOR) encoded by three plastid genes chlL, chlN, and chlB (chlLNB). To investigate the differences in chlLNB gene expressions, we compared the dark-grown and 24-h illuminated seedlings of P. mugo and P. sylvestris. Expression of these genes was found constitutive in all analyzed samples. We report light-independent accumulation of important proteins involved in Chl biosynthesis (glutamyl-tRNA reductase) and photosystem formation (D1 and LHCI). Chl and Pchlide content and plastid ultrastructure studies were also performed. and K. Breznenová ... [et al.]
This article identifies connections between the current critical condition of nature and women’s position in society. The author describes ecofeminism and situates it within the context of the feminist and environmental movements. The purpose of this article is to introduce the fundamental ideas of ecofeminism, whose underlying principle is a critique of dualistic thinking, and a critique of the application of the logic of dominance and hierarchy. The author argues how this critique is derived from feministic epistemology and goes on to explain the ecofeminist critique of dualistic thinking and hierarchy historically connected to the scientific revolution, which had a big impact on the position of women in society and the current global ecological crisis., Zora Javorská., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé