Clinical oncologists have been focusing their efforts on attempting to define risk groups of patients with unusual biological reactions to the recommended therapy regimens using molecular biology techniques. The aims of our study were: (i) to find a design and validate a method for fast and reliable analysis of the D1853N (5557G>A) genetic polymorphism in the ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated) gene; (ii) to use side-directed mutagenesis to generate ATM 5557A-positive DNA (reference ATM5557A DNA); and (iii) to analyze a group of patients suffering from cervical carcinoma with adverse responses to radiotherapy. The 5557A variant was found in three of twenty women (15%). Our data show that the prevalence of the 5557A allelic variant in cervical cancer subjects with adverse responses after irradiation probably does not differ from the prevalence common in Caucasians. A larger population study should confirm these preliminary results., Martin Beránek, Monika Drastíková, Simona Paulíková, Igor Sirák, Milan Vošmik, Jiří Petera, and Literatura 31
Východisko a cíl: Prognóza inoperabilního karcinomu jícnu je velmi závažná, léčba těchto pacientů je paliativní. Cílem sdělení je retrospektivní hodnocení intraluminální brachyterapie vysokým dávkovým příkonem nádorové stenózy inoperabilního karcinomu jícnu. Pacienti a metody: Od února 1996 do června 2011 bylo intraluminální brachyterapií léčeno 41 pacientů s karcinomem jícnu, z toho v 19 případech se jednalo o dlaždicobuněčný karcinom a ve 22 případech o adenokarcinom. U všech pacientů byla před zahájením brachyterapie přítomna dysfagie. Výsledky: U většiny pacientů došlo po brachyterapii k úlevě polykacích obtíží. Medián doby přežití činil 396 dní (95 % CI: 270–492 dní). Nebyla pozorována mechanická komplikace zavedení brachyterapeutického aplikátoru. Závěr: Intraluminální brachyterapie je účinná a bezpečná paliativní metoda léčby dysfagie způsobené nádorovou stenózou jícnu. Background and purpose: The prognosis of inoperable carcinomas of esophagus is poor, and therapeutic efforts are generally limited to palliation. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the effectiveness of intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy in the palliative treatment of tumorous esophageal stenoses. Patients and methods: Between February 1996 and June 2011 intraluminal brachytherapy was performed in 41 patients with esophageal carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma in 19 cases and adenocarcinoma in 22 cases). All patients had dysphagia at presentation. Brachytherapy was performed using high dose rate afterloading system. Results: Dysphagia was improved in majority of patients. The median survival was 396 days (95 % CI: 270–492 days). No mechanical complication was observed during introduction of the applicator. Conclusion: Our experience indicates that intraluminal brachytherapy is an effective and safe method of palliation of dysphagia caused by malignant esophageal stenosis., Background and purpose: The prognosis of inoperable carcinomas of esophagus is poor, and therapeutic efforts are generally limited to palliation. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the effectiveness of intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy in the palliative treatment of tumorous esophageal stenoses. Patients and methods: Between February 1996 and June 2011 intraluminal brachytherapy was performed in 41 patients with esophageal carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma in 19 cases and adenocarcinoma in 22 cases). All patients had dysphagia at presentation. Brachytherapy was performed using high dose rate afterloading system. Results: Dysphagia was improved in majority of patients. The median survival was 396 days (95 % CI: 270–492 days). No mechanical complication was observed during introduction of the applicator. Conclusion: Our experience indicates that intraluminal brachytherapy is an effective and safe method of palliation of dysphagia caused by malignant esophageal stenosis., David Buka, Josef Dvořák, Jiří Petera, Linda Kašaová, Jana Bedrošová, Milan Zouhar, Petr Paluska, Igor Sirák, Igor Richter, Milan Vošmik, Zdeněk Zoul, and Literatura
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate prostate volume changes and prostate motions during radiotherapy.Methods: In 2010, twenty-five patients were treated for prostate cancer by external beam radiotherapy with implanted fiducial markers. Coordinates of three gold markers on kilovoltage images were calculated daily. Volume changes in target structure were observed through changes in intermarker distances. Differences in patient position between laser-tattoo alignment and gold marker localization were evaluated. Intrafraction motion was assessed by measuring marker displacement on kilovoltage images acquired before and after fraction delivery. Results: Prostate shrinkage was observed in 60% of patients. The average shrinkage was 7% of the prostate’s initial volume. Corrections after laser-tattoo alignment remained mostly below 1 cm. The difference between marker centroid position on the actual images and the planning images was 2 ± 1 mm on average. The extension of intrafraction movements was 7.6 ± 0.2 mm on average. Conclusions: In our retrospective study, the possibility for prostate volume changes during radiotherapy was revealed. Intrafraction movements turned out to be the limiting factor in safety margin reduction., Linda Kašaová, Igor Sirák, Jan Jansa, Petr Paluska, Jiří Petera, and Literatura 16
Cíl: Prezentovat zajímavý případ 44leté ženy s metastázou karcinomu prsu v axilární lymfatické uzlině vpravo s negativní mamografií, biopsií a ultrasonografií prsů, kdy 18F-FDG PET/CT odhalil multifokální karcinom prsu vpravo. Materiál a metoda: Pacientka vyhledala lékaře pro hmatnou rezistenci v pravé axile. Následovala exstirpace paketu lymfatických uzlin z pravé axily, histologické vyšetření prokázalo metastázu karcinomu prsu. Mamografie a ultrasonografie obou prsů byla s negativním výsledkem. Vzhledem k pozitivitě metastáz v lymfatických uzlinách v pravé axile následovala ještě biopsie z pravého prsu, také s negativním nálezem. V rámci pátrání po primárním ložisku karcinomu prsu pacientka absolvovala celotělové PET/CT zobrazení v rozsahu od baze lební do proximální třetiny stehen, a to 60 minut po intravenózní aplikaci radiofarmaka 18F-FDG o aktivitě 377 MBq (5 MBq/kg). Akviziční čas PET skenu byl 2,5 minuty na 15 cm projekci, celkem 7 projekcí. Kontrastní (i.v. + per os kontrast) CT sken byl proveden ve venózní fázi. Výsledky: PET/CT odhalil multiložiskový viabilní tumor v laterální části pravého prsu a viabilní metastázy v lymfatických uzlinách v pravé axile a infraklavikulárně vpravo. Závěr: 18F-FDG PET/CT správně detekoval multifokální karcinom prsu u pacientky s pozitivní metastázou tohoto karcinomu v lymfatické uzlině a neznámým primárním ložiskem, čímž zkrátil dobu diagnostického procesu a umožnil zvolit správnou léčbu., Aim: To present a rare case report of the multifocal breast cancer finding on 18F-FDG PET/CT in a 44-year-old woman with the positive right axillary breast metastases and negative mammography, ultrasound and right breast biopsy. Material and Method: The patient underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT for the positive right axillary lymph node breast cancer metastases and negative mammography, ultrasound a right breast biopsy. The whole body PET/CT was obtained 60 minutes after intravenous injection of 18F-FDG (377 MBq – 5 MBq/kg). The PET scan acquisition time was 2.5 minutes per bed position for whole body imaging from base of the skull to mid femur and seven bed positions were necessary. Contrast-enhanced CT (venous phase) provided both full CT evaluation (including intravenous and oral contrast) and PET attenuation correction. Results: The examination revealed PET/CT positive multifocal tumour in the right breast and regional metastases in the right axilla and infraclavicular region without distant metastases. The patient underwent the subsequent neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy and the complete remission was induced. Conclusion: The 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed multifocal breast cancer, improved patient management and allowed subsequent successful treatment., Jiří Doležal, Dagmar Kalousová, Igor Sirák, Dana Dvořáková, and Literatura
Radioterapie je významnou modalitou v léčbě karcinomů hlavy a krku. Poslední technologické pokroky v plánování radioterapie i vlastním ozařování umožňují přesné dodání dávky do cílových objemů při současném šetření zdravých tkání a rizikových orgánů. Plánování radioterapie s využitím magnetické rezonance nebo pozitronové emisní tomografie umožňuje přesnější definici gross tumor volume, radioterapie s modulovanou intenzitou, protonová terapie a stereotaktické ozáření nabízejí vyšší konformitu ozáření a radioterapie řízená obrazem umožní redukci lemu pro nepřesnosti nastavení. Cílem všech nových technologií v radioterapii nádorů hlavy a krku je snížení toxicity léčby a touto cestou zlepšení klinických výsledků., Radiotherapy represents an important treatment modality in head and neck cancer. Recent technological advances in radiotherapy treatment planning and dose delivery make possible more precise delivery of radiation to target volumes while sparing adjacent healthy tissues and organs at risk. Magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography-based planning allow better delineation of gross tumor volume, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, proton therapy or stereotactic radiotherapy offer higher conformality in dose delivery, image-guided radiotherapy enables a reduction of set-up margin. The goal of all new technologies in radiotherapy of head and neck cancer is a reduction of radiotherapy-related toxicity and, in this way, an improvement of clinical results., Milan Vošmik, Miroslav Hodek, Igor Sirák, Jan Jansa, Linda Kašaová, Petr Paluska, and Literatura 23
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays an important role in cell-cycle regulation, proliferation, differentiation, and surviving of epithelial tissues. Aberrant overexpression of EGFR can initiate uncontrolled cell proliferation with subsequent formation of epithelial carcinomas. Correlation between EGFR overexpression and increased resistance of tumor tissues to ionizing radiation has been described by many authors. Strategy of tumor radiosensitization by EGFR inhibition seems to have a great potential in the treatment of epithelial cancers. Rationale for EGFR inhibition in combination with ionizing radiaton arises from published results of many radiobiological studies, which describe the role of EGFR in cytoprotective and pro-proliferative reactions of human tumor cells, induced by irradiation. These reactions result in accelerated tumor repopulation, which is subsequently counter-productive to the effect of radiotherapy. Presented article is an overview of EGFR and its function in healthy and tumor tissues; likewise, it describes the relation of EGFR to ionizing radiation; therapeutic approaches to EGFR function modulation in combination with radiotherapy in preclinical and clinical use., Sirák Igor, Hatlová J., Petera J., Vošmík M., Ryška A., Vošmiková H., and Lit.: 147