The Czech translation of SQuAD 2.0 and SQuAD 1.1 datasets contains automatically translated texts, questions and answers from the training set and the development set of the respective datasets.
The test set is missing, because it is not publicly available.
The data is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
If you use the dataset, please cite the following paper (the exact format was not available during the submission of the dataset): Kateřina Macková and Straka Milan: Reading Comprehension in Czech via Machine Translation and Cross-lingual Transfer, presented at TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8-11 2020.
The Czech Web Corpus 2017 (csTenTen17) is a Czech corpus made up of texts collected from the Internet, mostly from the Czech national top level domain ".cz". The data was crawled by web crawler SpiderLing (
The data was cleaned by removing boilerplate (using, removing near-duplicate paragraphs (by and discarding paragraphs not in the target language.
The corpus was POS annotated by morphological analyser Majka using this POS tagset:
Text sources: General web, Wikipedia.
Time span of crawling: May, October and November 2017, October and November 2016, October and November 2015. The Czech Wikipedia part was downloaded in November 2017.
Data format: Plain text, vertical (one token per line), gzip compressed. There are the following structures in the vertical: Documents (<doc/>, usually corresponding to web pages), paragraphs (<p/>), sentences (<s/>) and word join markers (<g/>, a "glue" tag indicating that there was no space between the surrounding tokens in the original text). Document metadata: src (the source of the data), title (the title of the web page), url (the URL of the document), crawl_date (the date of downloading the document). Paragraph metadata: heading ("1" if the paragraph is a heading, usually <h1> to <h6> elements in the original HTML data). Block elements in the case of an HTML source or double blank lines in the case of other source formats were used as paragraph separators. An internal heuristic tool was used to mark sentence breaks. The tab-separated positional attributes are: word form, morphological annotation, lem-POS (the base form of the word, i.e. the lemma, with a part of speech suffix) and gender respecting lemma (nouns and adjectives only).
Please cite the following paper when using the corpus for your research: Suchomel, Vít. csTenTen17, a Recent Czech Web Corpus. In Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, pp. 111–123. 2018. (
Danish Fungi 2020 (DF20) is a fine-grained dataset and benchmark. The dataset, constructed from observations submitted to the Danish Fungal Atlas, is unique in its taxonomy-accurate class labels, small number of errors, highly unbalanced long-tailed class distribution, rich observation metadata, and well-defined class hierarchy. DF20 has zero overlap with ImageNet, allowing unbiased comparison of models fine-tuned from publicly available ImageNet checkpoints.
The dataset has 1,604 different classes, with 248,466 training images and 27,608 test images.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
The aim of the course is to introduce digital humanities and to describe various aspects of digital content processing.
The course consists of 10 lessons with video material and a PowerPoint presentation with the same content.
Every lesson contains a practical session – either a Jupyter Notebook to work in Python or a text file with a short description of the task. Most of the practical tasks consist of running the programme and analyse the results.
Although the course does not focus on programming, the code can be reused easily in individual projects.
Some experience in running Python code is desirable but not required.
ELITR Minuting Corpus consists of transcripts of meetings in Czech and English, their manually created summaries ("minutes") and manual alignments between the two.
Czech meetings are in the computer science and public administration domains and English meetings are in the computer science domain.
Each transcript has one or multiple corresponding minutes files. Alignments are only provided for a portion of the data.
This corpus contains 59 Czech and 120 English meeting transcripts, consisting of 71097 and 87322 dialogue turns respectively. For Czech meetings, we provide 147 total minutes with 55 of them aligned. For English meetings, it is 256 total minutes with 111 of them aligned.
Please find a more detailed description of the data in the included README and stats.tsv files.
If you use this corpus, please cite:
Nedoluzhko, A., Singh, M., Hledíková, M., Ghosal, T., and Bojar, O.
(2022). ELITR Minuting Corpus: A novel dataset for automatic minuting
from multi-party meetings in English and Czech. In Proceedings of the
13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
(LREC-2022), Marseille, France, June. European Language Resources
Association (ELRA). In print.
author = {Anna Nedoluzhko and Muskaan Singh and Marie
Hled{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}} and Tirthankar Ghosal and Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar},
title = {{ELITR} {M}inuting {C}orpus: {A} Novel Dataset for
Automatic Minuting from Multi-Party Meetings in {E}nglish and {C}zech},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2022)},
year = 2022,
month = {June},
address = {Marseille, France},
publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
note = {In print.}
Eyetracked Multi-Modal Translation (EMMT) is a simultaneous eye-tracking, 4-electrode EEG and audio corpus for multi-modal reading and translation scenarios. It contains monocular eye movement recordings, audio data and 4-electrode wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) data of 43 participants while engaged in sight translation supported by an image.
The details about the experiment and the dataset can be found in the README file.
EngVallex 2.0 as a slightly updated version of EngVallex. It is the English counterpart of the PDT-Vallex valency lexicon, using the same view of valency, valency frames and the description of a surface form of verbal arguments. EngVallex contains links also to PropBank (English predicate-argument lexicon). The EngVallex lexicon is fully linked to the English side of the PCEDT parallel treebank(s), which is in fact the PTB re-annotated using the Prague Dependency Treebank style of annotation. The EngVallex is available in an XML format in our repository, and also in a searchable form with examples from the PCEDT. EngVallex 2.0 is the same dataset as the EngVallex lexicon packaged with the PCEDT 3.0 corpus, but published separately under a more permissive licence, avoiding the need for LDC licence which is tied to PCEDT 3.0 as a whole.
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2018101@@LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy@@nationalFunds@@✖[remove]85