Corpus Search

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Typical queries

Note: click on a query to copy it in the search line.

words with lemma (basic form) "říci"

citation phrases containing a word with lemma "říci"

citation phrases containing a word "řekl"

unofficial citation sources (possible types of citation sources are "anonymous", "anonymous-partial", "unofficial", "official-non-political", "official-political")

citation sources containing a masculin animate word that is in a named entity of type PER (person)

citation phrases and their citation sources, while the citation phrase precedes the source in the text

citation phrases and their citation sources, while the citation source precedes the phrase in the text

citation phrases and their citation sources, in any order

citation sources containing a named entity of type LOC (possible types of named entities are "LOC" (location), "ORG" (organization), "PER" (person), "MISC" (other))