Die Wahrnehmung der Litauer durch den Deutschen Orden um 1400 und die Rolle des kollektiven Gedächtnisses
Die Wahrnehmung der Litauer durch den Deutschen Orden um 1400 und die Rolle des kollektiven Gedächtnisses The perception of the Lithuanians by the Teutonic Order around 1400 and the role of collective memory Pohled řádu německých rytířů na Litevce kolem roku 1400 a význam kolektivní paměti
Not only the perception of the contemporary Lithuanians and Vytautas by Konrad von Jungingen (1393–1407) and the Teutonic Order, but also the Order's memory of the earlier actions of the Lithuanians under King Mindaugas were the background against which the policy of the beginning 15th century was conducted. There is a nexus between memory, perception and politics. The Order still perceived the Lithuanians around 1400 as pagans. The memory studies, especially the central ideas of Maurice Halbwachs' classical theories on collective memory and the "cadres sociaux" provide a plausible explanation.