Nach demm und wir üch jetz geschriben hant von der getat : Kriegsordnungen, Chroniken, Berichte und Briefe aus dem Feld : Quellen zum Ragazer Feldzug 1446 im Alten Zürichkrieg
- Title:
- Nach demm und wir üch jetz geschriben hant von der getat : Kriegsordnungen, Chroniken, Berichte und Briefe aus dem Feld : Quellen zum Ragazer Feldzug 1446 im Alten Zürichkrieg
Letters, reports and chronicles : sources for the 1446 confederate campaign in the Old Zurich War
Nach demm und wir üch jetz geschriben hant von der getat : vojenské řády, kroniky, zprávy a listy z bitevního pole : prameny k ragazskému tažení 1446 za tzv. Staré curyšské války - Creator:
- Speich, Heinrich
- Identifier:
- Subject:
- Swiss Confederation, warfare, campaign, Habsburg, Sargans, Rhine, commemoration, 1446, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Type:
- Article
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Description:
- In February 1446 a group of about 1 100 confederate soldiers went on a short campaign to the neighbouring county of Sargans. The campaign can function as an example for the wide variety of texts produced alongside military actions in the 15th century. Therefore we find the protocols of the preparatory federal diets that agree the number of soldiers and discuss plans. As the campaign goes on, there are two letters of the Lucerne captain Cloos to his authority, giving short information on encounters and claiming money and reinforcements. On the Habsburg side, we have written evidence for the raising and equipment of troops in Vorarlberg as well as for the financial efforts for the counter-campaign. After the campaign and the victorious battle at Ragaz, confederate authors composed tales of the battle: one being the report of the Bernese captain to his authority, the other was the chancellor of Schwyz Hans Fründ with his quasi-offical chronicle of the Old Zürich war. Soon after, the annual commemoration of the battle of Ragaz (6 March 1446) was extended to all minor battles of the Confederates. The dead and mortally in all battles were registered in the parish-registers under the day of St Fridolin, the patron saint of Glarus (6 March). As a result of these texts, the campaign has subsequently been considered a success for the Confederates.
- Language:
- German
- Rights:
- unknown
- Relation:
- - Harvested from:
- Digital Library of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
- Metadata only:
- false
- Date:
- 2019
The item or associated files might be "in copyright"; review the provided rights metadata:
- unknown