Die Verschriftlichung des Kriegsalltages : die Akten der während des Hussitenkrieges in Znaim und Iglau stationierten österreichischen Söldner
Die Verschriftlichung des Kriegsalltages : die Akten der während des Hussitenkrieges in Znaim und Iglau stationierten österreichischen Söldner Writing everyday war : the papers of the Austrian mercenaries garrisoned in Znojmo and Jihlava during the Hussite War Zpísemnění válečné každodennosti : písemnosti rakouských žoldnéřů, působících ve Znojmě a Jihlavě za husitské revoluce
The present paper uses two case studies to scrutinize the many different documents emanating from the administrative needs of late medieval mercenaries and their employers. The analyzed documents come from the Moravian towns of Jihlava and Znojmo, both of which Duke Albert of Austria held in pledge during the Hussite War. The corpus consists mostly of receipts issued by the mercenaries confirming received pay, and documents, which pertain to transactions concerning compensations for damages. The sources are first classified and analyzed from the point of view of medieval diplomatics. Secondly, the study tries to reconstruct the overall expenditure for the Austrian garrisons in Jihlava and Znojmo. Thirdly, the paper discusses fruitful areas for further research based on the presented sources.