Die Rolle Karls I. von Liechtenstein bei den Konfiskationen nach der Schlacht am Weißen Berg
- Title:
- Die Rolle Karls I. von Liechtenstein bei den Konfiskationen nach der Schlacht am Weißen Berg
The role of Charles I of Liechtenstein in the post-White Mountain confiscations
Role Karla I. z Lichtenštejna v pobělohorských konfiskacích - Creator:
- Knoz, Tomáš
- Contributor:
- Krzenck, Thomas
- Identifier:
- https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/138689
- Subject:
- Charles I of Liechtenstein, Post-White Mountain confiscations, estates' uprising, Habsburg monarchy, Czech lands, nobility, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Type:
- Article
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Description:
- In Czech historiography, Prince Charles I of Liechtenstein personifies the process of the post-White Mountain confiscations and the political and social changes in the post-White Mountain Czech lands. Between 1918 and 1945 he even became the subject of historiographical and journalistic discussion within Czech historiography, which was directly linked to the foundation and strengthening of the Czechoslovak Republic. These attitudes also led to discussions between historians standing on the side of the emergent Czechoslovak Republic and historians from the circle of the Prince of Liechtenstein. Contemporary research shows that the role of Charles I of Liechtenstein was by no means straightforward. This was due to the personal ambitions of the ruler of the emergent princely house, but also because of the complex historical context, when the representatives of the Central European aristocracy were searching for a place between the estates' community and the ruling dynasty. Charles I of Liechtenstein's case was also different due to geography and the individual countries where the Liechtensteins held positions, functions and offices. In the Margraviate of Moravia in particular, Charles I of Liechtenstein was the victim of confiscation declared during the Estates' Uprising. After the uprising had been defeated he could return to the country and reclaim his land. In Bohemia, Liechtenstein was rewarded for his loyalty to the Austrian house during the rebellion by soon becoming the emperor's commissar and then the emperor's governor. It was in that capacity that he arrested and tried the main rebels and presided over their execution at the Old Town Square. In the 1620s he organised the imperial confiscations in Bohemia. In Opava, which was gradually moving towards the Silesian principality, Liechtenstein attempted to enter as the supreme ruler and organise his own confiscations from this position. However, this manoeuvre came up against the interests of Emperor Ferdinand II and his central offices, which did not agree with such a division of the monarchy. But Charles I of Liechtenstein did make gains in Moravia, where he was awarded a large amount of property from his erstwhile opponent, the rebel provincial governor Ladislav Velen of Žerotín, the most important being the domain of Moravská Třebová. Charles I of Liechtenstein died in 1627 when, from the emperor’s perspective, peace and normality had finally returned to the Czech lands. His role in the confiscation process, albeit with certain dark shadows, nevertheless contributed towards the great advancement of the Princely House of the Liechtensteins, which would last for centuries.
- Language:
- German
- Rights:
- unknown
- Relation:
- https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/en/handle/11222.digilib/115304
https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/en/_flysystem/fedora/pdf/138689.pdf - Harvested from:
- Digital Library of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
- Metadata only:
- false
- Date:
- 2017
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- unknown