Filigrány dochované v nejstarších městských knihách Boskovic a Letovic z let 1484–1761
Filigrány dochované v nejstarších městských knihách Boskovic a Letovic z let 1484–1761 Filigrees preserved in the oldest city books Boskovic and Letovic from the years 1484–1761
This study focuses on the research of watermarks contained in nine municipal registers of the feudal towns Boskovice and Letovice during the early modern age (more specifically the years 1484–1761). Seven books belong to Boskovice and two to Letovice; and they contain a total of 20 types of surviving watermarks. Besides their description, the study includes general comparison in the area of the watermarks' research, paper mill identification, a table with conlusions and an appendix with images.