Daniel Vetter a jeho "Islandia"
- Title:
- Daniel Vetter a jeho "Islandia"
- Creator:
- Horák, Bohuslav
- Publisher:
- Filosofická fakulta s podporou Ministerstva školství a národní osvěty
- Identifier:
- https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/103754
- Subject:
- History, cestopisy -- Česko -- 17. stol., cesty a pobyt -- Island -- 17. stol., česká próza -- 17. stol., Island -- dějiny -- 17. stol., Island -- reálie -- 17. stol., books on travels, Czech prose literature, voyages and travels, Iceland -- history -- 17th century, and Iceland -- history and geography -- 17th century
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Language:
- Czech, Latin, German, and Polish
- Rights:
- unknown
open access
- Coverage:
- Brno
- Relation:
- https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/en/_flysystem/fedora/cover/103754-cover.png
- Harvested from:
- Digital Library of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
- Metadata only:
- true
- Date:
- 1931
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