An influence of changing the humic acids content on soil water repellency and saturated hydraulic conductivity was studied on soil samples of Mollic Gleysol from Cilizska Radvan in the Danubian Lowland. Water repellency was measured with the water drop penetration time (WDPT) test on original soil samples and on soil samples with increased humic acids content. Saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient was measured on the above-mentioned samples with falling head permeameter. From the results of measuring it follows that an increasing of humic acids content in soil resulted in an decreasing of the coefficient of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil under study. Original soil was non-water reppelent soil. Already a small increasing of humic acids content in soil (in 17.9 % at original amount) caused that the soil became slightly or strongly water repellent in the average of soil moisture 15-30 %. At soil moisture less than 15 % time of penetration decreased probably as a result of shrinking and cracking of the soil. Water repellency of soil samples from horizon 0 - 5 cm was usually higher than water repellency of soil samples from horizon 5 - 10 cm both in case of humic acids extracted from peat and in case of humic acids extracted from the same soil from Cilizska Radvan. and Na pôdnej vzorke čiernice glejovej (ČA G) (MKSP, 2000) z lokality Čiližská Radvaň v Podunajskej nížině bol skúmaný pomocou testu času vsaku kvapky vody (WDPT test) vplyv zmeny obsahu humínových kyselin na vodoodpudivosť a nasýtenú hydraulickú vodivosť pôdy. Vodoodpudivosť bola meraná na pôvodných pôdnych vzorkách a vzorkách zo zvýšeným obsahom humínových kyselín. Koeficient nasýtenej hydraulickej vodivosti bol meraný na týchto pôdnych vzorkách metódou premenlivého hydraulického sklonu. Z nameraných výsledkov vyplýva, že nárast obsahu humínových kyselín v pôde mal za následok pokles koeficientu nasýtenej hydraulickej vodivosti študovanej pôdy. Už malé zvýšenie obsahu humínových kyselín v pôde (o 17,9 % pôvodnej hodnoty ) spôsobilo, že pôda sa stala slabo až silne vodoodpudivou vo vlhkostnom rozsahu 15-30 %. Pri pôdnej vlhkosti nižšej ako 15 % sa čas vsakovania zmenšil pravdepodobne v dôsledku zmršťovania pôdy a vzniku puklín. Vodoodpudivosť pôdnych vzoriek z horizontu 0 - 5 cm vo väčšine prípadov bola vyššia než vodoodpudivosť pôdnych vzoriek z horizontu 5 - 10 cm aj v prípade pridania humínových kyselín, extrahovaných z rašeliny, aj v prípade pridania humínových kyselín, extrahovaných z tej istej pôdy.
Chemical composition and structure of humic acids isolated from Cambisols forming on gneiss and amphibolite were studied. Cambisols differ in pH, cation exchange ca pacity, mineralogy composition, organic carbon input, plant residue and type of management. 13 C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy were used to show the main differences in humic substances quality. Humic acids isolated from soils developed on gneiss and amphibolite had wide variety of functional groups and different content of aromatic and aliphatic groups. Humic acids (HA) in arable soils contained more aromatic compounds and carbon in their molecule to compare with HA isolated from grassland. Forming of higher stability aggregates was connected with higher content of aliphatic groups in HA isolated from the grassland. Generally, humic acids in Cambisols represent young humic acids, with lower carbon content and high tendency to oxidation pr ocesses. Their chemical activity was mainly influenced by chemical composition and functional groups content., Ľubica Pospíšilová, Anna Žigová, Martin Šťastný and Tibor Liptaj., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy