The detailed analysis of individual flood event elements, including peak discharge (Q), flood event volume (V), and flood event duration (D), is an important step for improving our understanding of complex hydrological processes. More than 2,500 flood events were defined based on the annual maximum (AM) peak discharge from 50 Slovenian gauging stations with catchment areas of between 10 and 10,000 km2 . After baseflow separation, the stations were clustered into homogeneous groups and the relationships between the flood event elements and several catchment characteristics were assessed. Different types of flood events were characteristic of different groups. The flashiness of the stream is significantly connected with mean annual precipitation and location of the station. The results indicate that some climatic factors like mean annual precipitation and catchment related attributes as for example catchment area have notable influence on the flood event elements. When assessing the dependency between the pairs of flood event elements (Q, V, D), the highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the Q-V pair. The smallest correlations or no correlations were observed between the Q and D variables.
As to be able to draw up outlook development plans of the integrated water management it is required to define and know much more hydrological parameters of subcatchments, as are available from measurements in outflow profiles of water courses. Thus, a continuous and significant task of hydrology i working out of estimation methods for evaluation of non-existing, or only sporadically monitored hydrologic parameters in selected profiles of water courses. One of the way how to obtain required data is regionalization. The ''regional analysis'' focused in a given territory on elucidation of variations of hydrological regularities (laws). ''Regionalization'' implies interpolation of information, available in given monitoring stations, to the whole concerned territory. and Perspektívne rozvojové plány integrovaného vodného hospodárstva vyžadujú znalost väcšieho množstva hydrologických parametrov ciastkových povodí, než nám poskytujú pozorovania vo vodomerných profiloch tokov. Preto je trvalou úlohou hydrológie vypracovanie metód odhadov pre hodnotenie chýbajúcich alebo občasne pozorovaných hydrologických parametrov vo zvolených profiloch vodných tokov. Jednou z ciest k získaniu potrebných údajov je regionalizácia. Pod ''regionálnou analýzou'' sa rozumie postup, ktorý sa na danom území zaoberá objasnením zákonitostí zmien hydrologických parametrov. Pod ''regionalizáciou'' sa rozumie interpolácia informácií, ktoré sú k dispozícii v daných uzloch monitorovania, na celé záujmové územie.