Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with complex neurocardiac integrity. We aimed to study heart rate time asymmetry as a nonlinear qualitative feature of heart rate variability indicating complexity of cardiac autonomic control at rest and in response to physiological stress (orthostasis) in children suffering from ADHD. Twenty boys with ADHD and 20 healthy age-matched boys at the age of 8 to 12 years were examined. The continuous ECG was recorded in a supine position and during postural change from lying to standing (orthostasis). Time irreversibility indices - Porta’s (P%), Guzik’s (G%) and Ehlers’ (E) - were evaluated. Our analysis showed significantly reduced heart rate asymmetry indices at rest (P%: 49.8 % vs. 52.2 %; G%: 50.2 % vs. 53.2 %; p<0.02), and in response to orthostatic load (P%: 52.4 % vs. 54.5 %, G%: 52.3 % vs. 54.5 %; p<0.05) associated with tachycardia in ADHD children compared to controls. Concluding, our study firstly revealed the altered heart rate asymmetry pattern in children suffering from ADHD at rest as well as in response to posture change from lying to standing (orthostasis). These findings might reflect an abnormal complex cardiac regulatory system as a potential mechanism leading to later cardiac adverse outcomes in ADHD., I. Tonhajzerová, I. Ondrejka, I. Farský, Z. Višňovcová, M. Mešťaník, M. Javorka, A. Jurko Jr., A. Čalkovská., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder with a heterogeneous origin with a global incidence that continues to grow. Its causes and pathophysiological mechanisms are not fully understood. It includes a combination of persistent symptoms such as difficulty in concentration, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Maternal methamphetamine (MA) abuse is a serious problem worldwide, it can lead to behavioral changes in their offspring that have similarities with behavioral changes seen in children with ADHD. There are several types of ADHD animal models, e.g. genetic models, pharmacologically, chemically and exogenously induced models. One of the exogenously induced ADHD models is the hypoxia-induced model. Our studies, as well as those of others, have demonstrated that maternal MA exposure can lead to abnormalities in the placenta and umbilical cord that result in prenatal hypoxia as well as fetal malnutrition that can result in irreversible changes to experimental animals. Therefore, the aim the present study was to compare the cognitive impairments in MA exposure model with those in established model of ADHD – prenatal hypoxia model, to test whether MA exposure is a valid model of ADHD. Pregnant Wistar rats were divided into four groups based on their gestational exposure to MA: (1) daily subcutaneous injections of MA (5 mg/kg), (2) saline injections at the same time and volume, (3) daily 1-hr hypoxia (10 % O2), and (4) no gestational exposure (controls). Male rat offspring were tested for short-term memory in the Novel Object Recognition Test and the Object Location Test between postnatal days 35 and 40. Also their locomotor activity in both tests was measured. Based on the present results, it seems that prenatal MA exposure is not the best animal model for ADHD since it shows corresponding symptoms only in certain measures. Given our previous results supporting our hypothesis, more experiments are needed to further test possible use of prenatal MA exposure as an animal model of the ADHD.
Spontaneously hypertensive rats are the most common animal
model used to study attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). The present study investigated the levels of steroid
hormones in the bloodstream of hypertensive rats and its
normotensive control strain, Wistar-Kyoto rats, to check if there
are any hormonal differences between both strains at the onset
of ADHD. Plasma samples were collected from young (5-weekold) and mature (10-week-old) male hypertensive and
normotensive rats to determine the serum level of testosterone,
17β-estradiol, free estriol, progesterone, corticosterone and
cortisol using ELISA kits. The results showed statistically
significant increases in serum levels of testosterone and free
estriol in 10-week-old hypertensive and normotensive rats when
compared to 5-week-old animals. Moreover, the concentrations
of progesterone, corticosterone and cortisol were significantly
elevated in 10-week-old hypertensive rats when compared to
5-week-old animals of both strains as well as 10-week-old
normotensive rats. Hormonal differences observed between
10-week-old hypertensive and normotensive rats were also
accompanied by differences in the volumes of lateral ventricles as
well as the third ventricle and cerebral aqueduct. In conclusion,
elevated contents of progesterone, corticosterone and cortisol in
hypertensive rats may be associated not only with ADHD but also
with developing hypertension. This question needs further study.
Objectives. People with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) show a number of executive function deficits which are related, among other things, to difficulties in perceiving time. Deficiencies in time perception have been demonstrated in children and adults with ADHD. Perception of time is usually measured by quantitative methods at very short time intervals, which are not related to application in everyday life.Methods. The presented mix-methods study therefore focuses on the perception of time in short and long intervals in the context of the actual real life of the subjects. The study presents the results of an analysis of interviews with 20 adults with varying levels of ADHD symptoms, which included 1) a life line technique and a follow-up narrative interview about significant life events and perceptions of their time sequence, and 2) a short stress management interview and subjective efficiency of coping strategies. The respondents were chosen based on their results in the ASRS questionnaire which measures the severity of ADHD symptomatology. The results of the qualitative part were compared with the findings from the quantitative analysis of the development of the scenario of a situation containing a motivational conflict (N = 1518). Results. The results showed that people with ADHD, compared to the control group, more often choose less adaptive solutions in the field of time-related life situations. Nevertheless, in their own lives, most of them were able to state specific procedures that work for them while coping with the burden of ADHD. However, there was a difference in the extent of ADHD symptomatology compensation. External structuring of stress activities (through graphic visualization, e.g.) was most often cited as the best practice. and Problém. Osoby s ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) vykazují řadu deficitů v oblasti exekutivních funkcí, které souvisí mimo jiné i s obtížemi ve vnímání času. Nedostatky v časové percepci byly prokázány u dětí i dospělých s ADHD. Vnímání času je obvykle měřeno kvantitativními metodami na velmi krátkých časových intervalech, které nesouvisí s uplatněním v každodenním životě. Metoda. Prezentovaná studie se smíšeným designem se proto zaměřuje na vnímání času v krátkých i dlouhých časových intervalech v kontextu vlastního reálného života zkoumaných osob. Studie prezentuje výsledky analýzy rozhovorů s 20 dospělými osobami s různou úrovní ADHD symptomů, které zahrnovaly 1) techniku čáry života a na ni navazující narativní rozhovor o významných událostech života a vnímání jejich časové souslednosti a 2) rozhovor o zvládání krátké zátěže s důrazem na subjektivní efektivitu copingových strategií. Tito respondenti byli vybráni na základě výsledků dotazníku ASRS měřící míru ADHD symptomatologie. Výsledky kvalitativní části byly srovnávány se zjištěními z kvantitativní analýzy vývoje scénáře situace obsahující motivační konflikt (N = 1518). Výsledky. Výsledky ukázaly, že osoby s projevy ADHD ve srovnání s kontrolní skupinou v oblasti řešení životních situací souvisejících s časem volí častěji méně adaptivní řešení. Přesto ve vlastním životě byla většina z osob schopna uvést konkrétní copingové postupy, které se jim při zvládání zátěže osvědčují. Odlišnost však existovala s ohledem na míru kompenzovaných projevů ADHD. Jako osvědčený postup byla nejčastěji uváděna externí strukturace zátěžových aktivit (např. za pomocí grafické vizualizace).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a unique disorder. It usually devel-ops in early childhood and, in 50% of cases, continues to be a lifelong disorder, which poses significant challenges for researchers and clini-cians. The new criteria set by the World Health Organization merged the category of Hyperki-netic Disorders and the ADHD category.This narrative review aims to explore and ease the adoption of the ADHD concept for clinicians and researchers who were used to working with Hyperkinetic Disorders by (1) analyzing the evolution of the ADHD concept from its estab-lishment in the Diagnostic and Statistical Man-ual of Mental Disorders, 3rd edition (DSM-III) until DSM-5; (2) comparing the contemporary concepts of ADHD in DSM-5 and Hyperkinetic Disorders in International Statistical Classifica-tion of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10); and (3) describing some new chal-lenges the ADHD concept will face in the future.The structure and the dimensions of the concept are explored, including some possible new core symptoms such as emotional dysregulation and mind wandering. Adult presentations of symp-toms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inatten-tion are presented. The recent challenges of the global pandemic of covid-19 are also addressed.In conclusion, the concept of ADHD has been dramatically improved since its establishment. However, the bio-psycho-social perspective needs to be better balanced in ADHD-related science. and Porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou (ADHD) je unikátní poruchou. Většinou se rozvine v raném dětství a v 50 % případů přerůstá v celoživotní poruchu, což přináší významné výzvy pro vý-zkumníky i odborníky v praxi. Nová kritéria vytvořená Světovou zdravotnickou organiza-cí spojila kategorie hyperkinetických poruch a ADHD. Cílem této narativní přehledové studie bylo prozkoumat a usnadnit osvojení koncep-tu ADHD odborníky a výzkumníky, kteří byli zvyklí pracovat s hyperkinetickými poruchami. 1) Byla analyzována evoluce konceptu ADHD od jeho ustanovení ve 3. edici Diagnostické-ho a statistického manuálu duševních poruch (DSM-III) až po DSM-5; 2) byly porovnány současné koncepty ADHD v DSM-5 a hyper-kinetické poruchy v Mezinárodní statistické klasifikaci nemocí a přidružených zdravotních problémů (MKN-10); a 3) byly popsány některé nové výzvy, kterým může koncept ADHD čelit v budoucnosti. Prozkoumány byly dimenze a struktura konceptu včetně potenciálních no-vých symptomů, jako jsou například emocio-nální dysregulace a tzv. mind wandering. Před-staveny byly také dospělé prezentace symptomů hyperaktivity, impulzivity a nepozornosti. Au-toři se dotkli také nedávných výzev spojených s globální pandemií covid-19. Závěrem lze kon-statovat, že koncept ADHD se od svého vzniku významně zlepšil. Ve vědeckém výzkumu zabý-vajícím se ADHD by však měla být více zohled-něna psycho-bio-sociální perspektiva.
Příspěvek přibližuje principy a základní teoretická východiska jedné z forem pomoci rodičům neklidných a hyperaktivních dětí. Popisuje cíle a náplň práce rodičovských skupin pořádaných Klubem rodičů a přátel neklidných a hyperaktivních dětí při Centru pro rodinu a sociální péči v Brně. and The contribution outlines principles and basic theoretical starting points of one of the forms of help for parents of unsettled and hyperactive children. It describes aims and activities of parents groups organized by the Club of Parents and Friends of Unsettled and Hyperactive Children under the Centre for Family and Social Care in Brno.
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou) představuje z hlediska psychiatrie a psychologie jednu z nejvýznamnějších poruch dětského věku. Přes většinou prezentované multifaktoriální pojetí poruchy vyvolává ADHD kontroverze v terapeutických postupech, jak ve směru preference farmakoterapie, tak ve směru preference psychosociálních intervencí. Autorky popisují teoretické podklady a terapeutické postupy obou směrů a ukazují prospěšnost jejich vzájemného propojení. Kontroverzní postoje vycházejí spíše z osobních zaujetí, než z odborné neslučitelnosti názorů., ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) represents one of the most important disorders in child psychiatry and psychology. Despite multifactorial attitude to ADHD has predominantly been presented, this disorder keeps eliciting controversies in therapeutic approaches, both in psychopharmacological trends and in preferences of psychosocial interventions. The authors describe theoretical basis and therapeutical methods of both trends and show benefits of their reciprocal combination. Controversial attitudes proceed mainly from personal prejudices than from scientific incompatibility of different approaches., Iva Dudová, Jana Kocourková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cílem přehledové studie je popsat vztah dvou proměnných – atopického ekzému a pozornosti. Nejprve je důležité vymezit dva související pojmy, které je důležité nezaměňovat, a to ADHD a ADD. Obě tyto poruchy pozornosti jsou dědičné neurovývojové poruchy. ADD se vyznačuje ztrátou soustředění, roztržitostí a emoční přecitlivělostí. ADHD je porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou. Vyznačuje se nepozornosti, hyperaktivitou a impulzivitou. Na základě výsledků dostupných studií, které se tímto vztahem zaobírají, je čtenáři představena daná tématika a shrnuty dosavadní poznatky. Pro přehledovou studii bylo pracováno se zdroji z dostupných vědeckých databází: PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus a Web of Science. Pro vyhledávání byla zadána klíčová slova: atopic eczema, ADHD, ADD, attention, relationship. Dalším zvoleným kritériem pro vyhledávání bylo sledované období, které jsme stanovili bez určení, důvodem pro toto rozhodnutí bylo, že se jedná o specifickou problematiku. Studie byly vybrány na základě relevantnosti ke stanovenému cíli. Celkem se jednalo o 10 analyzovaných studií. Výsledky analyzovaných studií ukazují, že u osob s diagnostikovaným atopickým ekzémem existuje riziko poruchy pozornosti. Zároveň však nebyl prokázán přímý kauzální vztah mezi těmito proměnnými, který by v případě prokázání mohl vést ke stanovení preventivních, ale i léčebných plánů., PROBLEM: Atopic eczema is linked with several other psychosomatic diseases and disorders like sleeping disorders or low quality, chronic itching, etc. First, it is important to define two related terms that are important not to confuse, namely ADHD and ADD. Both of these attention disorders are inherited neurodevelopmental disorders. ADD is characterized by loss of concentration, distraction, and emotional hypersensitivity. ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The survey study aims at describing the relation of two variables – atopic eczema and attention. Based on the results of the available studies dealing with the said relation, the topic will be presented to the reader and the existing pieces of knowledge will be summarized. METHODS: The study worked with sources from available scientific databases: PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus and Web of Science. The following key words were entered for search: atopic eczema, ADHD, ADD, attention, relation. Another criterion selected for search was the period of observation, which we set without determination; that decision was based on the fact that the topic in question is specific. The studies were selected based on their relevance for the goal set. 10 studies were analyzed in total. RESULTS: The analysis results show that studies dealing with the issue of the effect of atopic eczema can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of studies which state, based on research, that persons with diagnosed atopic eczema are endangered by attention disorders. While comparing them with healthy population, i.e., with persons without atopic eczema, it was found that persons with atopic eczema have higher proportional chance of attention disorders, and other health problems linked with the said disease, like low quality of sleep, anxieties, depressions or behaviour disorders were registered as well. The studies under analysis also mention a risk period that may be essential for the development of attention disorder. The other group consists of studies which did not demonstrate a direct causal relation between attention eczema and attention disorders, which, if demonstrated, could lead to setting of preventive and therapeutic plans. The results of some of these studies show the coexistence of atopic eczema and ADHD, but the authors state that both disorders may not have causal relation and that they may be influenced by other factors; they recommend other studies which could clarify the prevalence of ADHD in persons with atopic eczema., and DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In conclusion, it can be stated that there is a higher risk of attention disorder, ADHD, in individuals with atopic eczema. However, as studies show, a causal relation between the two variables in question has not been found yet. The results have also shown that this issue is still little explored, in spite of the fact that a number of studies had a large research set. Therefore, further extensive interdisciplinary studies are needed, in order to prove or disprove their mutual causal relation. In case of proving the causal relation, it is further recommended to proceed to determine preventive and therapeutic strategies for attention disorders caused by atopic eczema, in order to positively influence the resulting quality of life of the individuals with the said disorder type.