Přestože historie Ústavu biologie obratlovců AV ČR (ÚBO)je poměrně krátká, aktivity pracoviště se rozvíjejí pod hlavičkou různých ústavů Československé akademie věd,respektive Akademie věd ČR, již 60 let. Počátkem roku 1953 totiž vznikla v Brně Laboratoř pro výzkum obratlovců ČSAV, jež se od roku 1960 stala samostatným ústavem. and Josef Bryja, Marcel Honza, Jan Zima.
The purpose of this Summer School, which took place in Liblice 1 to 7 September 2008, was to introduce the students and post-docs to updated procedures used in the analyses of molecular data-sets applied to problem-solving in conservation genetics. This was done by bringing together geneticists statisticians and empirical conservation geneticists who presented theoretical lectures and led practical computer work. and Josef Bryja, Pavel Munclinger.
Project PrOVAZ is the outcome of enthusiasm by young researchers for increasing connections between the fundamental research performed at the Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR, Brno, and Czech universities aimed at practical applications in nature conservation management. One of the project’s most important activities is organizing conferences and practical workshops related to ecology and environmental management. PrOVAZ refers to the networking project "Connecting education and new approaches in zoological and ecological research." "Science for all senses" (2012-2014) is supported by the Institute’s Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). Its focus is popularization of the research activities to assist high schools to identify biology students motivated biology. They have produced "Stories of Curious Scientists," a documentary to be televised by Czech Television in the autumn. and Anna Bryjová.