Cieľom článku je upozorniť na niektoré možnosti použitia metód formálnej epistemológie v oblasti sociálnych vied. Ide predovšetkým o teóriu objektácií a teóriu re-prezentácií a s nimi spojené metódy rekonštrukcie potencialít a formálnych aspektov jazyka. V článku sa ďalej snažíme zodpovedať niektoré kritické námietky Markéty Patákovej, ktoré sformulovala na adresu formálnej epistemológie vo svojom texte Predikce v Kvaszově formální epistemologii ve světle historické metody Michela Foucaulta., The aim of the paper is to draw attention to some possibilities how the methods of formal epistemology can be used in the reflection of social sciences. First of all it is the theory of relativizations and the theory of re-codings and the related methods of the reconstruction of the potentialities and formal aspects of language. In the paper we further try to address some critical comments of Markéta Patáková formulated in her paper Predictions in Kvasz's Formal Epistemology in the Perspective of the Historical Method of Michel Foucault., and Ladislav Kvasz.
Filozofická analýza procesu idealizácie je rozvíjaná v dvoch nezávislých smeroch. V rámci analytickej filozofie vedy je idealizácia chápaná ako zjednodušenie či deformácia opisu určitého javu či prírodného zákona. V rámci fenomenologickej tradície je idealizácia chápaná ako kvantifikácia určitého fenoménu žitého sveta. Cieľom predkladanej state je obe tieto pojatia idealizácie stručne predstaviť a pokúsiť sa objasniť ich vzájomný vzťah. V závere state je načrtnuté tretie pojatie idealizácie, ktorému zatiaľ v literatúre nebola venovaná pozornosť., The philosophical analysis of the process of idealisation has developed in two independent directions. In the framework of analytical philosophy of science, idealisation is understood as a simplification or deformation of the description of a certain appearance or natural law. In the framework of the phenomenological tradition idealisation is understood as the quantification of a certain phenomenon of the life-world. The aim of this paper is to give an exposition of these two conceptions of idealisation and to attempt to clarify their mutual relation. In conclusion I sketch a third conception of idealisation which has not received attention in the literature., and Ladislav Kvasz.
The aim of this article is to sketch a certain method of indirect reconstruction of the process by which mathematics as a deductive discipline emerged in ancient Greece. We try out this method in a reconstruction of Thales' mathematics, but the main aim for which this method has been developed is the work of Pythagoras. We consider the process of the emergence of mathematics as a process of the constitution of a new language in the framework of which one can carry out deductive proofs. Therefore we base the method of indirect reconstruction of the emergence of mathematics on the theoretical findings in the book L. Kvasz: Vedecká revolúcia ako lingvistická událosť (The Scientific Revolution as a linguistic event, Prague, Filosofia 2013)., Ladislav Kvasz., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii