Postava sedícího Merkura, na hlavě okřídlená čapka, vedle něho caduceus.,, and Merkur (Hermes)Original von Jean Baptiste Pigalle (1748), Kopie von Wolfgang Wille (2010) Die Skulpturen gehören zu den herausragenden bildhauerischen Werken ihrer Zeit. Die Originale befinden sich im Bodemuseum in Berlin. Hermes ist der Gott der Hirten, der Reisenden, der Kaufleute aber auch der Diebe. Er überbringt Botschaften und Nachrichten und ist mit Flügelhut und -schuhen natürlich besonders schnell. Das Kerykeion, ein von zwei Schlangen umwundener geflügelter Stab, wird zum Symbol der Herolde, des Handels, der Wirtschaft und wird bis heute von staatlichen Einrichtungen verwendet.Doch Hermes ist nicht nur der ideenreiche, listige und verschlagene Götterbote und Nachrichtenübermittler sondern gilt auch als Überbringer der Träume und begleitet die Seelen der Verstorbenen auf ihrem Weg in die Unterwelt.Vor dem Aufstieg zum Schloss, an dessen Front sich die Worte "Sans Souci - Ohne Sorgen" befinden, mahnen also Venus und Merkur an Liebe und Tod ...Einen anderen Blickwinkel erhält man beim Durchschreiten des Figurenrondells auf der "Achse der Macht" von Ost nach West. Hier begegnet man zuerst dem Geschwisterpaar Apoll und Diana.
Alegorické sousoší na soklu (kopie originálu z roku 1749) představuje Vzduch - dvě nahé nymfy představují lov na ptáky - stojící žena drží ptáka (pelikán?), druhá sedící drží luk, toulec a šípy. Na soklu personifikace jižního a západního větru a personifikace dvou řek - Odra (vpředu) a Spréva (vzadu).,, and Die Luft und Das WasserOriginale von Lambert Sigisbert Adam (1749), Kopien von Andreas Klein (2006) und Peter Flade (2011)Sockelreliefs: Luft: Südwind (vorn), Westwind (hinten); Wasser: Oder (vorn), Spree (hinten) Die originalen Figuren sind Werke französischer Bildhauer aus den Jahren 1748 bis 1764. "Venus" und "Merkur" von Jean Baptiste Pigalle kamen als Geschenk des französischen Königs Ludwigs XV. in den Park, die anderen Figuren wurden von den Bildhauern Lambert Sigisbert Adam, Francois Gaspard Balthasar Adam und Sigisbert Francois Michel geschaffen. Friedrich II. bemühte sich selbst sehr um die Vervollständigung des Rondells. Skulpturen Luft und Wasser waren ursprünglich als Jagdmotive entworfen worden (zwei Nymphen mit erlegtem Reiher stehen für den Vogelfang, die zwei Nereiden mit Netz für den Fischfang). Sie wurden so umgearbeitet, dass sie die Elemente Luft und Wasser darstellen und so die vier Elemente vervollständigen konnten.
Stucco relief sculpture directly below Guntherus represents woman with a column, the allegory of Strength., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
In this fresco monochromatic medallion we see on the left Pegasus with outstretched wings standing on hind legs, above him on the mountain's peak there is a round temple of Apollo. In the middle there are palm trees. On the right there is a group of seven Muses, in the middle Clio (History) is sitting with her right hand raised, her left elbow reposed on a pile of books. At the bottom Melpomene (Tragedy) is reclining, she turns her bare back to the viewer, her head is turned and she seems to be contemplating the tragic mask which she holds in her left hand. At the top we see Urania (Astronomy) inspecting heaven with a telescope. It is to be noted that Asam took care to choose a representative set of Muses to fit the theme of his fresco. Since it represents a historical event with a serious message, Clio and Melpomene dominate in the group of Muses, Urania is distinguished as a muse of Christian poets and personification of spirituality., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
In this fresco monochromatic medallion Andromeda is represented, half lying on the seashore, with legs and hands outstretched and chained to the rock. She is naked but for a drapery covering her lap and turns her head backward, towards Perseus fighting the dragon. The dragon swims towards Andromeda and opens its mouth wide full of teeth to devour her. It is evidently unaware of Perseus on Pegasus' back immediately above him. The hero in full armory (breastplate, helmet, round shield in his left hand) has stopped the horse and is raising his right hand with a sword to kill the dragon, his cloak flying above him to suggest the swiftness of his action., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
In this fresco monochromatic medallion Perseus is washing his hands after the freeing of Andromeda, it takes place on the same spot on the sea shore. At the bottom we see the dead body of the dragon floating upside down. At the right there is an empty handcuff hanging on a chain fastened to rock, by which an agitated Pegasus with outstretched wings is standing, meaning that the battle ended only a minute ago. Andromeda has picked up her clothes, pressing them to her breasts and walks towards her father Cepheus represented on the left of the picture, and distinguished by a crown, beard and hands raised in greeting. Andromeda does not look, however, towards her father but turns her head back and gazes at Perseus to whom Amor points with his right hand. Amor is floating or standing right behind Andromeda, he is characterized by a bow, but he is not using it, he just holds it in his outstretched left hand., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
Stucco relief sculpture, an allegory of Wisdom. In her right hand she holds a caduceus; two snakes confronting, their heads symbolizing peace and the radiating light at the caduceus' end standing for reason. With her left hand she presses her breast, a symbol of generosity., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.