Epidemiologické práce ukazujú zvyšujúci sa výskyt diabetickej nefropatie. Diabetici s chronickou obličkovou chorobou sú najväčšou skupinou z pacientov na liečbe nahradzujúcej renálne funkcie. Renal Pathology Society zostavila patologicko-anatomickú klasifikáciu diabetickej nefropatie. Základnými biochemickými diagnostickými parametrami sú albuminúria a odhad glomerulovej filtrácie. Pracovná skupina European Renal Best Practice vypracovala Usmernenia o manažmente diabetikov s chronickou obličkovou chorobou v štádiu 3b CKD a vyššom. Kľúčové slová: diagnostika diabetickej nefropatie – liečba chronickej obličkovej choroby u diabetikov – výskyt diabetickej nefropatie, Epidemiological studies show increasing prevalence of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease are the biggest group from among patients on renal replacement therapy. Renal Pathology Society developed pathological classification of diabetic nephropathy. The cardinal biochemical diagnostic parameters are albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate. European Renal Best Practice work group developed Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher. Key words: epidemiology of diabetic nephropathy – diagnostics of diabetic nephropathy – therapy of chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients, and Peter Ponťuch
The study is focused on ritual constructions which were created and set up by Lama Danzan-Khaybzun Samayev between 1997 and 2002. These contemporary ritual constructions encompass a lot of traditional elements but are built in a unique way. They are located in both Tunka and Oka regions and also in the capital of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude. They are made for hanging up flags khii-morin (Bur., Tib. lungta) and zurmadkhan (Bur.) and play the same role as stupas. The study distinguishes between two types of ritual constructions: wooden constructions for khii-morin and Arigun stupas made of steel poles. The study is also focused on an astrology system called Zurkhai (Mong.), which is the basis for the symbolism of khii-morin, as well as the theory and history of the Ahalar-Arigun movement, which was founded by Lama Danzan-Khaybzun Samayev in the early 1990s. The ideological foundation of this movement lies in solutions to ecological and social problems and interaction between Western and Eastern thinking. Generally the study gives a basic understanding of the ideas and work of Lama Danzan-Khaybzun Samayev through a description of his original ritual constructions which are used to this day.