Dosavadní rozšíření výrazného typu bronzové spony středolaténské konstrukce se zdobeným štítkovým lučíkem se omezuje pouze na středoevropský prostor s jednoznačným těžištěm výskytu v Čechách a na Moravě. Tato skutečnost opravňuje jejich J. Wernerem navržené označení jako „bójské“ spony. Spony získané z oppidálního prostředí ukazují na jejich rámcové datování do rozmezí stupňů LT C2-D1. and The existing distribution of a distinct type of bronze fibula of the Middle La Tène construction with a decorated plate bow is restricted to Central Europe, with a pronounced concentration of finds in Bohemia and Moravia. This fact justifies their designation as “Boiian” fibulae, as proposed by J. Werner. The fibulae acquired from oppida indicate a general dating in the phases LT C2-D1.
This discussion piece relates to Erazim Kohák’s book Domov a dálava (Hearth and Horizon), a book that has opened up an interesting and fruitful perspective for consideration of the question: What does it mean today to be a Czech? Inspired by Kohák’s emphasis on the attempt of the foremost Czech intellectuals to model their ideals of Czech culture in the context of the wider development of Europe as a whole, the author asks why Europe was the source of the nationalistic way of thinking and he considers how this thinking was the result of certain (unfortunate) conditions and decisions, and how the overcoming of this thinking is what may (paradoxically it would seem) be the new task of the Czech nation.