A new method to detect damages on crates of beverages is investigated. It is based on a pattern-recognition-system by an artificial neural network (ANN) with a feedforward multilayer-perceptron topology. The sorting criterion is obtained by mechanical vibration analysis which provides characteristic frequency spectra for all possible damage cases and crate models. To support the network training, a large number of numerical data-sets is calculated by the finite-elementmethod (FEM). The combination of artificial neural networks with methods of numerical simulation is a powerful instrument to cover the broad range of possible damages. First results are discussed with respect to the influence of modelling inaccuracies of the finite-element-model and the support of the ANN by training-data obtained from numerical simulation. Also the feasibility of neuro-numerical ANN training will be dwelled on.
Abrasive waterjet cutting monitoring of materials in recent years has become an important area of research. The article deals with potential applications vibration analysis at technological process of cutting of material. In order to provide the vibration analysis at abrasive waterjet cutting, have been carried out experiments to measure vibration and ultrasonic emissions in order to ascertain the context of the parameters measured vibrations with the technology division of aluminium. The main challenge is finding the existence of the link between the focusing tube wear and vibration. and Monitorovanie hydroabrazívneho delenia materiálov hydroabrazívnym prúdom sa v posledných rokoch stalo dôležitou oblasťou výskumu. Článok sa zaoberá možnosťou aplikácie vibrodiagnostiky technologického procesu delenia materiálu. Za účelom zistenia vibrácií pri hydroabrazívnom delení, boli vykonané experimenty zamerané na meranie vibrácií a ultrazvukovej emisie s cieľom zistenia súvislosti meraných parametrov vibrácií s technologickými podmienkami delenia hliníka. Hlavnou úlohou je zistenie existencie súvislosti medzi opotrebovaním fokusačnej trubice a vibráciami.