This is an experimental study of lung morphology in modeling sepsis on a background of severe purulentinflammatory disease of soft tissues (necrotizing fasciitis) by original authors' method. The study showed that early stages of sepsis (13 days) were characterized by manifestations of changes in lung tissue as vascular response, in the second period (the 7th day) by appearance and growth of nonobstructive microatelectases, whereas the third period (the 14th day) was characterized by progression of purulentnecrotic processes in soft tissues, development of surgical sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome. These changes in morphological structure of lung tissue are specific for generalized septic process and consequences of necrotizing fasciitis with its septic complication., Yorkin Azizov, Alisher Ohunov, and Literatura
The article presents results of peculiarities of the hepatobiliary system in pregnant women with preeclampsia. It is set in the pregnant with preeclampsia of mild severity the frequency and combination of two and more complaints was reliably lower comparing to the frequency and combination of complaints in the pregnant with preeclampsia of mean severity. It must be mentioned that the received laboratory data positively correlated with the clinical manifestations of hepatobiliary dysfunction and the level of severity of preeclampsia that makes the further scientific researches necessary in future. Among the ultrasound signs of the dysfunction of the hepatobiliary system the following were detected: hepatomegaly, diffuse changes in the liver, increasing the density of the gallbladder against the decrease in contractility of the formation of sludge. and Vasily Vasilievich Simrok, Tatyana Fyodorovna Koryavaya
To study defects and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, we retrospectively analyzed results of comprehensive dynamic survey of 26,404 pregnant women aged 1850 years old at 6 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Of them, 25,956 (98.3%) women had physiological course of pregnancy, 448 (1.7%) women had abnormal pregnancy. For the diagnosis of fetal defects, we carried out ultrasound, biochemical, invasive and cytogenetic studies. The results of study showed that the majority of fetal defects and pathological course of pregnancy was noted in women at the age of 2125 years old, since at this age period women have the highest number of pregnancies. At the older age, we noted a gradual decrease in the number of pregnant women, as well as the number of abnormalities of the fetus. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, we have developed an algorithm for early fetal ultrasound examination. In order to exclude nondeveloping pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death, as well as for early diagnosis of fetal defects, we recommend screening women in the first trimester of pregnancy., Shahnoza Kamalidinova, and Literatura
Společenské změny ovlivňují výkon lékařské profese. Lékaři tlaky na změny statusu vnímají a vyžadují, aby školy ve svých studijních programech tyto změny akceptovaly. Projekt EU „Systém psychosociální prevence pro studenty všeobecného lékařství“ realizovaný v rámci LF UP v Olomouci, na tyto výzvy reaguje. Staví na informacích získaných výzkumnými šetřeními realizovanými v letech 2003 – 2008 s cílem zjistit názory studentů na to, jak je studium vybavuje pro lékařskou profesi, jejich představy o obsahu role lékaře a jejich obavy ve vztahu s nástupem do zaměstnání. V rámci projektu bylo vytvořeno a ověřeno pět vzdělávacích modulů vztahující se k psychosociálním preventivním strategiím podporujícím zvýšení kvality života v roli lékaře., Social changes have a great influence on the medical profession.The doctors fell the impulses for changes of the status and demand that the medical schools would incorporate these changes into their studying programmes. The EU project called „ The system of psychosocial prevention for the general medicine students that was carried out at LF UP Olomouc does react to these appeals. It is based on the information that were gained through a research carried out in the years 2003 – 2008 with the aim to find out opinions of the medical students about how the studies prepares them for the duty of their profession, their ideas about the role of the doctor and their worries about starting the profession.Withing the framework of this project there were created and verified five educational models that are connected to the psychosocial preventive strategies supporting the increase of the quality of life in the role of a doctor., Jaroslava Králová, Lenka Hansmanová, Zdeněk Papeš, and Lit.: 22
Performance evaluation of scientific work on regional and individual levels can be achieved by the using scientometric methods of a quantitative analysis of bibliographic information available in such databases as Science Citation Index (SCI). Unfortunately, Kazakhstan scientific journals have not been included yet in the Thomson Reuters Corp. register of periodicals, that substantially distorts the actual national scientometric indexes. The analysis of Database “National Citation Reports” (Kazakhstan), which correlated with a contribution of Kazakhstan into the world science development, has shown the low level of research activities of Kazakhstan scientists on international arena. So, the share of international publications of Kazakhstan in the global flow is equal to 0,021 % (1044 doc.) that corresponds to the 87th place in the general list of countries of 177 names. Subject to the ranking of countries into groups by the number of the published works, Kazakhstan is referring to the group of 46 countries having 1000-10000 publications over 5 years, of which 8,6% in medicine. In this article the use of statistics and appropriate software by the authors of original articles in such journals as recommended by the Kazakh National Centre for Scientific & Technical Expertise (NCSTE) and included in the Database е was evaluated. Research was conducted according to Research Report, due to which a research design and statistical analysis methods were estimated. In the rating of the research design, the authors of articles mostly used as follows: description of a series of cases–63,2%, description of the individual cases -27,1%, and description of specific cases–9,1%. A scope of selection in Section “Research Methods” was only calculated in 21,8% of cases, and in 63,9% of cases there was no description how the selection was carried out. Methods of analytical statistics were used in the 46,0% of cases. And there were references to the program package in use only in 17,5% of works. Thus shown that non-compliance with international standards in the preparation of scientific papers, primarily statistical requirements directly affect the quality and ratings of domestic articles., Botagoz Turdalieva, Aigulsum Izekenova, Gulshara Aimbetova, Elmira Abdraimova, Aizhan Raushanova, Manshuk Ramazanova, Alfiya Igissenova, Zarina Sagyndykova, Dinara Kenessary, Bolat Zhanturiev, and Literatura