Fyziologická gravidita je sprevádzaná zmenami v lokálnej a systémovej koagulácii a fibrinolýze. Hemostáza zasahuje do procesu implantácie blastocysty a placentácie. Udržiava optimálne prekrvenie placenty, zabezpečuje rýchle a adekvátne zrážanie počas pôrodu. Mnohé koagulačné proteíny sú exprimované na začiatku embryonálneho vývoja a hrajú úlohu mimo koaguláciu v proliferácii a diferenciácii buniek. Mechanizmus regulácie v placente nie je dostatočne chápaný. Poruchy hemostázy sa podieľajú na peripartálnom krvácaní, gestačnom tromboembolizme a považujú sa za rizikový faktor neúspešnej reprodukcie a tehotenských komplikácií., Physiological pregnancy is accompanied by changes in local and systemic coagulation and fibrinolysis. Haemostasis interferes with the implantation of the blastocyst and placentation. Maintain optimal blood flow placenta, ensures prompt and adequate clotting during the labour. Many coagulation proteins are expressed early in embryonic development and play roles outside of coagulation in cells proliferation and differentiation. Mechanism regulating haemostasis within the placenta remain poorly understood. Disorders of haemostasis are involved in peripatum hemorrhage, gestational thromboembolism and are considered a risk factor for unsuccessful reproduction and pregnancy complications., Mária Hulíková, and Literatura
The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE ) during childhood is low with two peaks – neonatal and adolescent age. This retrospective study is focused on clinical characteristics of VTE during adolescence. The main goals are to assess the most frequent inherited and acquired risk factors and to evaluate the benefit of D-dimers in diagnostics of venous thromboemblism. The data of 18 adolescents were analysed – 16 girls (88.9%), 2 boys (11.1%). In 9 patients (50%) thrombosis of the lower limb deep veins was diagnosed, six patients (33.3%) suffered from symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE ) and 3 patients (16.7%) from thrombosis at unusual sites. One patient had an idiopathic VTE , the mean number of the inherited and acquired risk factors was 2.6. The most frequent inherited risk factor was Leiden mutation of factor V (27.8%). The most frequent acquired risk factor was oral contraception (OC ) in 12 out of 16 girls (75%). All of our patients on oral contraception had one or more additional risk factors. 10 out of 18 (55.6%) patients with VTE had elevated activity of factor VIII . The sensitivit, Aneta Samková, Kateřina Lejhancová, Jiří Hak, Antonín Lukeš, and Literatura 22