Thermal comfort is defined as the mental condition that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment. It is easy to understand this definition but it is difficult to express it by mathematical equations, because it is needed to take into account many of environmental and personal parameters. The Czech standards contain the equations that describe the thermal comfort through Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) indexes, also describe the thermal state by the operative temperature. The objective of this article is to prove, if it is possible to estimate the thermal comfort of the environment by using the globe temperature. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
A mathematical and physical model of thermoregulatory mechanisms has been derived and experimental data are presented for the elements of the model. The thermoregulatory range within the neutral zone has been analyzed by regression analysis of the experimental data. The optimal globe temperature and the adaptational shifts in temperature for winter and summer are also given.