Operation of railway vehicles at higher speeds is conditioned by assurance of a stable run of the vehicle in straight track with a high level of geometric parameters. This property is usually reached by retrofitting of a joint between the vehicle body and the bogies with an efficient damping with suitable characteristics. As the relative motion between the vehicle body and the bogies in the straight track shows low amplitudes and high velocities, special longitudinal dampers - so-called yaw dampers - are used for these purposes. The aim of this paper is a theoretical analysis of influence of yaw dampers characteristics on the stability limit of a locomotive performed by means of sensitivity analysis. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The biochemical model of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiomyocyte is presented and the validity of simulations of both physiological and pathological processes is discussed. The model of regulatory and actomyosin subsystems, even if it is rather simple in its regulatory subunit, gives results well consistent with experimental data. Specifically, intracellular free calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) were computed under various states of sarcoendoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) and compared to experimental findings. Computed results reproduced well both the increase in resting [Ca2+]i level and the attenuation of [Ca2+]i decline commonly observed in heart failure. Thus the computational simulations could help to identify core relations in studied systems by comparing results obtained using similar models of various complexities., M. Mlček, J. Neumann, O. Kittnar, V. Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografii