The structure analysis of toponymy (a sum of toponyms) in a certain territory (language) leads to the typology of language properties (ways of creation, motivations, etc.), on the basis of which it is possible, while taking into account the use of particular structure elements, to define, among other things, also their chronological
layers and spread within an area. This method called the method of small types is aninvention of Czech topomastics (V. Šmilauer: Osídlení Čech ve světle místních jmen [The Settlement in Bohemia in the Light of Local Names]. 1960). Based on the analysis of the mentioned space toponymy, which was conducted using the above method, the gradual spreading of (early)medieval old settlement area of Moravia towards the East is demonstrated on the maps with the representative types of toponyms. This confirms the property of local dialects as an archaic edge of the Czech language. The
“Rumanian” elements are exclusively sub-sequent and thematically specified lexical transfers, which have been spread throughout the Carpathians as well as the Balkans. The “movement” is not understood in the sense of migration, but as an extension of the old space. The interpretation of the all-Carpathian dialectology is included, which clearly demonstrates the concept of “Wallachian” colonization and the kinds of migrations as a cultural phenomenon. Its lexical nature is explained through that.
Výzkum mikroregionu, vyvolaný stavbou dálnice, byl zaměřen především na charakter a proměny sídelní struktury. Během několika let se intenzivním povrchovým průzkumem a sběry, částečně v kombinaci s leteckou prospekcí, s využitím výsledků plošného odkryvu a drobných záchranných akcí, podařilo dobře zmapovat území o ploše ca 7,5 km2. Prokázáno bylo osídlení neolitické, eneolitické, středo–, mlado– a pozdně bronzové, halštatské, časně laténské, mladohradištní a vrcholně středověké. Společně se staršími nálezy v této oblasti vzniká poměrně ucelený přehled vývoje nejen samotného pravěkého a středověkého osídlení, ale i archeologických aktivit a poznání daného území. Tento mikroregion se tak stal jednou z nejlépe archeologicky zmapovaných částí krajiny na Plzeňsku. and Research into this microregion, made necessary by a highway building project, aimed primarily at determining the character of, and changes in, its settlement structure. Over several years intensive surface survey and artefact collection, partly carried out in conjunction with aerial prospection, together with the partial results of open area excavations and minor rescue interventions, made it possible to map out an area of some 7.5 km2. Settlement was demonstrated in the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Early, Middle and Late Bronze Ages, Hallstatt period, Early La Tène, Early Slavic („Hillfort“) period and High Middle Ages. Taken together, the earlier finds occur in the area form a coherent overview of the development not only of the Prehistoric and Medieval settlements themselves, but also of archaeological activity and an understanding of the given territory. This microregion has thus become one of the archaeologically mapped landscapes in the Plzeň (Pilsen) region.