A problem of start detector is very topical in laser radar station working with a train of pulses generating by mode locked Nd:YAG laser. This article deals with new developed start detector used in INTERCOSMOS laser radar station in Helwan, Egypt. A time resolution of the detector is better 150ps.
Téměř sto talentovaných studentů si vybrali čeští vědci v 1. kole projektu Otevřená věda II na studentské vědecké stáže. Další zájemci budou vybráni ve 2. kole, které bylo zahájeno 1, února 2010. Ve 2. kole nabízejí ústavy AV ČXR a univerzity zcela nová témata stáží z dalších oblastí přírodních věd, např. lékařství, geografie aj. Druhé kolo příjmu přihlášek bylo ukončeno 1. března 2010. and Michaela Žaludová.
Since 1581 a JMR-4A Doppler eceiver is used mostly for stationary observations at the Potsdam observatory. The research activities have three main directions: 1. Methodical investigations of satellite interferometry using Doppler receivers and receiver calibration, 2. Computation of regional networks using the orbital program POTSDAM-5, 3. Computation of long global arcs for determination of polar motion and station coordinates.
One of the limiting factors in decreasing the systematic error of laser ranging is the influence of the atmospheric refraction. Two colour ranging may contribute useful information for more precise refraction factor modelling and calculation. We will describe two wavelength experiment using streak camera as a high resolution detector for ground target distance measurement.
To fulfill the requirements on the laser ranging systems, the soft/hardware package of the Helwan station was significantly modified in period 1982-84. The max. ranging reprate was increased up to 5 pps. The mount pointing accuracy was increased implementing the mechanical inaccuracies software model. The automatical comparison of the time base to the Loran C signal was put into operation.