The exploitation of a mode locked train laser pulse for satellite ranging has been used. The Nd YAG oscillator/amplifier/frequency doubler/laser generates a mode locked train at 0.53um, most of the energy is contained in three pulses, the individual pulse duration is 70psec. During the 1963 Merit Campaign, within 4 months, 10 low satellite passes and 31 Lageos passes have been ranged. When tho mode locked substructure has been resolved for the received signal (50 % of passes), the BMS was 6-8 cm.
Jiří Náprstek et al., Pořadatelé: Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i, Ústav mechaniky těles, mechatroniky a biomechaniky FSI VUT, ŽĎAS, a.s., Česká společnost pro mechaniku, International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science., and Věnováno památce Prof. Ing. Aleše Tondla, DrSc. a Ing. Ladislava Půsta, DrSc.
After 1982-1983 preparation period, the Interkosmos laser radar has been installed in Nha-Trang, Vietnam Socialist Republic, May 1984, Posle predvoritel'nych rabot v 1982-3 g. byli v tečenii okončeny raboty na stancii lazernogo dal'nomera Interkosmos v *[Na Čange, SRV], and V ruském abstraktu - v hranaté závorce - doplněno místo události, které tu původně bylo vynecháno (neotištěno)