V souvislosti s ukončením procesu hodnocení výzkumné činnosti pracovišť Akademie věd České republiky za léta 2005-09 se hodně času věnovalo diskuzím nad budoucím směrováním Akademie věd ČR. Základním cílem je zvýšení vědeckého výkonu Akademie věd a jejích jednotlivých ústavů vytvořením koherentního programu AV ČR jako celku, který by zahrnoval aktuální trendy světové vědy a vývoje poznání a zároveň reagoval na základní společenské výzvy v oblasti vědy a výzkumu. Přípravu této strategie lze vnímat jako pokračování pohybu Akademie věd ve směru nastoupeném po mimořádném Akademickém sněmu v červnu 2009, kdy byla v novodobé historii České republiky poprvé ohrožena její existence., In connection with the completion of the evaluation process for research activities at our institutes for 2005-09, we have devoted a great deal of time to discussions of the future direction of AS CR. The fundamental aim is to raise the scientific performance of AS CR and its institutes by creating a coherent programme for AS CR as a whole, reflecting current trends in world science and development of knowledge and at the same time reacting to the essential social challenges in science and research. I perceive the preparation of the Strategy as a continuation of the shift in direction taken after the extraordinary Academy Assembly in June 2009, when its existence was in jeopardy for the first time in the modern history of the Czech Republic., and Jiří Drahoš.
Příspěvek pojednává o vývoji organizace a řízení vědeckého výzkumu v Československu po druhé světové válce. Situace v našich zemích je zde srovnávána nejen se stavem v předcházejících epochách, ale souběžně i se stavem v nám patrně nejbližší zemi tehdejšího socialistického tábora - Německé demokratické republiky., This article deals with the development of the organisation and management of scientific research in the former Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic countries, i.e. the two most economically advanced countries of the former communist bloc. The authors identified prevailing similarities of scientific policies and planning of scientific research in both countries. With the exception of the early phase of post-war reconstruction (during the Soviet occupation before the creation of the GDR in 1949) the period can be described as the consolidaton of science policy in 1950s, the following reform phase in the 1990s and the critical phase in the 1970 and 1980s. In both countries the planning of science was justified by the Marxist premise of the "inevitable necessity" of planned development of society. The most important East Germany scientific institution - the German Academy of Sciences ((later the Academy of Sciences of the GDR) - never resembled such a monopolistic institution as the Czechoslovac Academy of Sciences (e.g. in the GDR the prestigious Leopoldina also existed in Halle). The influence of these institutions on the national planning of scientific research was different, in the case of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences its influence was in the 1950s and 1960s much greater., Martin Franc, Miroslav Kunštát., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Research Centre of the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences at Academia Sinica in Taiwan (RCT) was established on December 3, 2015. It is designed to act as a branch office of the Oriental Institute of the CAS and is intended to serve as a platform facilitating and strengthening academic exchanges between Czech and Taiwanese scholars as well as institutions. The Centre is a part of a long-term interdisciplinary research project entitled Power and Strategies of Social and Political Order. Czech research fellows are expected to participate in conferences and hold colloqiums with their Taiwanese colleagues. In cooperation with the Academia Sinica, the Institute plans to organize annual joint workshops and publish their proceedings. It will concomitantly continue building the network of patner institutions and thus create a solid foundation for further scholarly exchanges. In cooperation with Charles University in Prague it will also support doctoral students wishing to conduct research at the Centre. and Táňa Dluhošová.