The ultrastructure of the scolex tegument, bothridial pits (“ciliated pits) and rhyncheal system of Otobothrium mugilis Hiscock, 1954 is described from plerocerci collected from the teleosts Arius graeffei Kncr ct Steindachner and Mugil cephalus Linnaeus. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that filamentous microtriches with shortened caps are abundant across the entire surface of the tegument. Palmate microtriches are dominant on the bothridia and their margins. The surfaces of bothridial pits were covered with large bifid microtrichcs. The bothridial pits arc strongly muscularised invaginations of the tegument. Nervous tissues were not observed within the pits and it is probable that these structures function as accessory attachment structures. The wall of each tentacle sheath consists of one to three bands of fibrils, lined internally by a thin cytoplasmic layer. The tentacular walls are cellular, containing myofilaments. The fibrils of the tentacular walls are arranged into discrete blocks of parallel fibrils and appear to be intracellular. Tentacular walls are lined externally by a modified membrane with an external glycocalyx. Tentacular hooks arc solid, bound externally by a membrane. The body of the hook contains numerous longitudinal canaliculi and an elcctron-opaquc medulla lies at the centre of the hook.