The seminar Recent Trends 2008 is the eleventh in a series of meetings held by Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR. The first meeting was held in 1989, the second one, in 1990, was held there as well. The following seminars were organized biannually in Skalský dvůr near Brno. This conference is intended for discussion of questions connected with the intrumentation and methodology in charged particle optics and surface physics. Selected themes were introduced by top specialists with emphasis on questions already recognized but not as yet fully answered. and Filip Mika.
Akademie věd ČR hostila v rámci oslav svého založení mezinárodní konferenci, které se 27. května 2015 zúčastnili významní hosté ze zahraničí - mj. viceprezident ALLEA (All European Academies) Ed Noord, výkonný ředitel britských Národních laboratoří Andrew Taylor, Peter Haslinger z Leibnizovy společnosti, Sören Wiesenfeldt z Helmholtzovy společnosti a další hosté z Itálie, Velké Británie či USA. and Gabriela Adámková, Luděk Svoboda, Marina Hužvárová.
Spain took over the European Union Presidency from Sweden on January 1, 2010- The main priority in the field of research and development is to move forward the European Research Area (ERA) conceived as a common shared space for knowledge. To achieve this objective, the Presidency has identified three "axes": integration, integrate R&D instruments at any level address the major challenges faced by society; and inclusion, science and innovation working together promote social cohesion and tackling poverty and exclusion. and Lenka Havlíčková.