This study is the first part of a planned series of articles on the issue of disputations about Wyclif in connection with his 45 articles. It analyses the anonymous undated refutation of Oxford University’s testimonial on the blameless life and work of John Wyclif, and makes it accessible in a critical edition in the form of an appendix. By taking into consideration manuscript preservation, argumentation, and literary arrangement as well as chronology, the author proves for the first time the immediate relation of the refutation to the Carthusian cloister of Údolí Josafat (Valley of Josephat) in Dolany near Olomouc and its prior Štěpán of Dolany. A component of the study is an excursion into the issue of Archbishop Zbyněk’s synodal directive to surrender books by Wyclif. and Dušan Coufal.
The study follows the polemics between the Catholic Jan Papoušek of Soběslav and the Utraquist Martin Lupáč on the interpretation of the Compactata. The fact that Lupáč´s Sensus is a polemical reaction to Papoušek´s Edicio is raised for the very first time. According to Papoušek´s tractate, the Compactata were a temporary concession by the Council of Basel; whereas the Compactata were not limited in time according to Lupáč´s work. The two authors also differenty understood the document, by which the council allowed Bohemian and Moravian priests to provide communion in both kinds. According to Papoušek, the document was a license for Utraquists that was to be reevaluated by the Pope after the dissolution of the council, whereas Lupáč understood the document as an order to the Catholic clergy to provide communion sub utraque to the lay who requested it. There was also no agreement in terms of children taking Communion: according to Papoušek the Compactata forbid such practice; whereas according to Lupáč they do not include a ban on communion for children.